I'm hoping I can get a few questions answered about my rabbit, Lenny. He's going to be 9 next month and has had a few bouts of stasis in his lifetime. His diet varies as he seems to absolutely LOVE something and then all of a sudden deem it inedible. (He must get his personality traits from his mom ) I tend to feed him pellets and occasional fruit (he loves bananas) and vegetables (kale, red/green leaf lettuce, cilantro, spinach). He used to chow down on hay but now he won't touch the stuff and refused to since about last year when he was sick around this time with what seemed to be an out of the blue abscess behind his eye. That cleared up after several weeks of pen-g injections (once per week).
So this brings us to the now. About 3 weeks ago, he started showing signs of stasis. His poop was not consistent, and still isn't but it's better than it's been. Initially it was diarrhea-like (very soft and runny) and then after taking him to the vet, he was put on Critical Care and a pain medicine. He was on Metacam for a few days but discontinued it because the vet said it can lead to dehydration, he started drinking and pending excessively after being on Metacam so I figured that was it but he's been off it for a week now and he's still drinking/peeing a lot. He's also now having accidents regularly all over my room. I have to keep him in his cage for most of the day now because of it happening so frequently. I feel bad because he's used to having his cage open all the time. When I keep him caged up now, for the most part he just sits in front of the water bottle or facing the corner like he's in time out, lol. He's been sneezing or coughing, I can't tell so I changed his bedding out from cedar to those paper pellets for cats because I heard they're safe and don't upset the rabbit's respiratory system like wood chips. No colored discharge from the nose, mouth or eyes but it does look like clear liquid comes out from his eyes when I administer the CC. I'm not rushing it though so it's not that. I wait for him to sort of lift his head a bit and bite the syringe asking for more.
There's just so many random symptoms yet he's acting just fine around me. Being super affectionate, circling me and following me when I have him out, giving me endless kisses, etc...He still seems to have an appetite, just not as much of one since all this started. I'm making this post ridiculously long and I'm sorry. There's just so much to cover with him. I'm just concerned because he's so old that he won't bounce back from whatever he's got going on here. I know rabbits tend to hide their pain for as long as possible so it worries me.
Thank you to those who read this!
So this brings us to the now. About 3 weeks ago, he started showing signs of stasis. His poop was not consistent, and still isn't but it's better than it's been. Initially it was diarrhea-like (very soft and runny) and then after taking him to the vet, he was put on Critical Care and a pain medicine. He was on Metacam for a few days but discontinued it because the vet said it can lead to dehydration, he started drinking and pending excessively after being on Metacam so I figured that was it but he's been off it for a week now and he's still drinking/peeing a lot. He's also now having accidents regularly all over my room. I have to keep him in his cage for most of the day now because of it happening so frequently. I feel bad because he's used to having his cage open all the time. When I keep him caged up now, for the most part he just sits in front of the water bottle or facing the corner like he's in time out, lol. He's been sneezing or coughing, I can't tell so I changed his bedding out from cedar to those paper pellets for cats because I heard they're safe and don't upset the rabbit's respiratory system like wood chips. No colored discharge from the nose, mouth or eyes but it does look like clear liquid comes out from his eyes when I administer the CC. I'm not rushing it though so it's not that. I wait for him to sort of lift his head a bit and bite the syringe asking for more.
There's just so many random symptoms yet he's acting just fine around me. Being super affectionate, circling me and following me when I have him out, giving me endless kisses, etc...He still seems to have an appetite, just not as much of one since all this started. I'm making this post ridiculously long and I'm sorry. There's just so much to cover with him. I'm just concerned because he's so old that he won't bounce back from whatever he's got going on here. I know rabbits tend to hide their pain for as long as possible so it worries me.
Thank you to those who read this!