Any American Idol Fans Here?

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OMG I'm a huge American Idol fan, butunfortunately I live in Peru, so I get to watch it with one week delay.I always have towatch out for spoilerswhenever I amwatching the E channel, cause the news there are live. That's how Ifound out that Kevin Covais got booted this week, although that show'sstill to be aired in my area. Ugh I hate that.

I'll watch it anyway cause I love to see the performances and there isalways expectation as to who lands in the bottom three, but there's nopunch-line for me now. I didn't mind coming into this thread cause Ialready knew the outcome.

I agree tho, I think the oneto leave this week will be Bucky. I don't think he's as likeable as the rest.

I absolutely hate that Kelly Pickler girl, I think her voice is way toonasal and the whole "naughty little minx/Dolly Parton" thing throws meoff.

I really like Mandisa, what an amazing voice. As far as the guys go, Ithink Taylor Hicks is an amazing entertainer. He doesn't have the bestvoice, but I really like to watch him perform. My favorite is the baldguy, I don't remember his name, oh yeh, Chris. He is ssssuch a sweet,well-grounded guy, with amazing talent and great looks. He married thiswoman who's older than him and has three kids of her own, and takescare of them all like a great husband and father should. I hope he wins:elephant:.

I love American Idol! Although I have to fight with watching Prison break, deal or no deal, and pinks.. Gr.

I don't know who'll win.. but I love the pickler girl.. I wish I knewher in real life! I wonder if her cluelessness is just an act though..anyways she's as cute as a button!:nod

I'm so glad that kevin kid got kicked off.. his blinking was driving me crazy!:banghead

Innocent.. *blink, sing blink) GAH!!!!!!
I'm in love with American Idol!!!

Weird thing is though, I don't really have a favorite this season. :?
peapoo_bunny wrote:
~BYNDI~ wrote:
Who is theBennett girl? which one is that?
Paris Bennett...the girl whose grandmother was a singer

YES! She is soooooo goood! I loved the cowboy take me away song thatshe sang for her audition Its my favorite song! But she has a awsomevoice! It really stinks that Mandissa had to go home:(She wasreally good Its sad, I should have voted....Does it cost money to vote?
my mom sawmandissa live before she wason american idol and she said she is really really good.shebought their cdwith that shackles song she sanga few wks ago that simon didnt like
peapoo_bunny wrote:
my mom sawmandissa live before she was on americanidol and she said she is really really good. shebought theircdwith that shackles song she sang a few wks ago that simondidnt like

Hey did it go like "take the shackles of my feet so i can dance"? I love that song

Simons a Bum sometimes but other times hes ok
~BYNDI~ wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
my momsawmandissa live before she was on american idol and she saidshe is really really good. shebought their cdwiththat shackles song she sang a few wks ago that simon didnt like

Hey did it go like "take the shackles of my feet so i can dance"? I love that song

Simons a Bum sometimes but other times hes ok
yeah i think so
Yayyyyy, American Idol is on tonight. And House! Just gotta get through the rest of the day...

(I think Paris is the next to go.)
That Chris guy has really grown on me,especially since last night. I think he'll make it to the top2. My picks for winning are still Paris, and nowChris. Tonight Kelly Pickler will go. I can't standher.
Yes, perhaps. I used to like Kelly,but now every time she opens her mouth to talk, I getembarrassed. It's like she tries too hard to be cute.

My personal favorite is still Elliot, although I doubt he will win.
nose_twitch wrote:
Yes, perhaps. I used to like Kelly, but now everytime she opens her mouth to talk, I get embarrassed. It'slike she tries too hard to be cute.

My personal favorite is still Elliot, although I doubt he will win.

If this were a "nicest person competition," Elliott would win. :)