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When was the last time you acquired a new bunny?

Last August, his Gotcha day is com ing up sooon.

Do you brush your teeth before or after you get showered?
4 bunnies, 3 dogs (including my roommates, 2 gerbils...a lot :).

What breed bunny would you get if you could have any breed in the world?
pinksalamander posted at the same time as me -er

The most expensive in town, of course ;)

Do you/have you owned an insect?
Do you/have you owned an insect?

OMG NO, I kill insects OHH Gross!

Where are you going on hoildays this summer?
fried cheese sticks, blue berries, peaches, the list goes on..........

what was your fave 'comfort' toy when you were little?
A dog "Snoozem" called Scrufty (can you tell I loved bob the builder? lmao)

When was the last time you had a conversation that didn't consist of animl talk?
I can't pick just one. I'm a huge art afficianado. But for the sake of this question, I'll go with Georgia O'Keefe.

When is your birthday?