Anissa Has Diarrhea

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The dogs have told me it's morning,ok... Anyway, I just glanced at Anissa, but there are nowatery piles in the cage or litter box this morning. Ihaven't checked her butt for new stuck poops, I need to be moreconscious for that. LOL I have hope that thediarrhea passed as quicklyas it began. Now, to bathAnissa...OH JOY! :disgust:

Oh Jen,

I just saw this post -- I can't believe everything you've beenthrough. This weather has played heck with everyone includingrabbits and bunnies. Rotaviruses can cause a short-termnon-fatal diarrhea.

I hope Anissa is ok today.


Goodluck Jen, with all you have been through you it seems to me you can tackle anything!!!

Chin up and I'll be thinking of you.
HI Jen ,
How Is Anissa this morning .

Edit ooopppsss , yep i am awakeuh huh sure I am, Sorrydidnt see you had alreadyposted lol .
Gypsy: LOL I wasn't even close to awake when I posted.

I've been out and just came back, she seems ok. No runnypiles or anything like that. I still need to do thatbath...I'm really not looking forward to it.

Pam: Do you know of any good sources of info on rotavirus? Is it something that will plague her forever?

Bathing: You can use Dawn dishwashing soap, believe it or not.

To clean white rabbits, in a spray bottle mix 50/50 white vinegar andwater. Dampen are to be cleaned, then rub cornstarch into the area. Letdry and brush out. You may have to repeat.

SPM: NO BLEACH when cleaning your rabbit. I know you wrote LOLafterwards, but I just wanted to make a point of it because someonemight take you seriously.

I can use Dawn? Really?That's excellent. Dawn cleans anything.LMBO Seriously, I use it to clean all my dishes and theshelves in my ferret cages, if it cleans ferret poop, it will cleananything! My brother swears ferret poop is the secretingredient in super glue.

I thought about the vinegar, but her poor little bum lookssore. Last night when I was cleaning her, I was a littleconcerned about a prolapsed rectum, but it seems just finetoday. I think I'll use the vinegar on her feet.

Is her skin irritated from thediarrhea? There's stuff you can put on the skin to protectit. I think I've seen bag balm referenced here and I swear Isaw something about using desitin (diaper rash cream) but I can't findit again.
Last night her rectum looked irritated, todayit's not so bad, but I don't really want to put vinegar downthere. I just think it could be painful...

Yeah, Bag Balm is fine and it think A and D Ointment would worktoo. Ferrets are very prone to prolapsed rectums when theyare young and typically aren't fed properly, I've used Preparation H onthem.

Sorry carolyn. I will make sure I say justjoking not being serious. I did not think anything of it. I understandwhere you are coming from there could be a young kid seeing that andsay oh bleach. I will make sure I reread again and make sure it is ajoke nothing serious.
Not a problem, SPM. Unfortunately, some people only read the first line or two.

No worries at all. :hug:

Give SweetPea a big hug for me. Such a sweet little doll that baby is. :inlove:


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