Animal Planet Investigates: Petland puppy mills

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
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New York, USA
Did anyone else watch it yesterday? It was so sad. :(

It makes me think about what the breeders do to get all these bunnies in the pet stores. It's just heartbreaking.
I saw it but it was no shock!!! I helped clear one out for Houston one time and the things I saw where horrible.

I also wonder about where phoenix came from we bought her for ten bucks out of a wal-mart parking lot but in that town you had mix breed puppies by the truck loads in wally world on a saturday being sold.
It was about to start last night when I was getting ready to go to sleep (I always flip through the channelsto see if there is anything I have to watch lol) I had to turn the tv off though, I just couldn't watch it...:(
Mike made me turn it off. I watched something last week on hoarders as well and was bawling. So sad..I cant believe people don't know this stuff. Im glad AP is getting the word out.
I watched it, even though I'm well aware of Petland and Puppy Mills. It was very heartbreaking, but at the same time a very good investigation. No one can claim now that Petland doesn't support puppy mills when that investigator for the HSUS tracked a puppy bought from a store directly to a puppy mill. I also came to realize USDA Approved doesn't mean squat. Last year I protested outside of a new Petland store that opened in our area with two other gals. The word got out, the protest grew, and turns out that store is shut down now. They say because of the bad economy (I call BS on that, yes it's bad but they were getting plenty of customers) but I later saw on our local New's that people were complaining about all the sick puppies they were getting from there and there was an investigation.

The puppies are the lucky ones (I wouldn't even really call it that, they just don't have it as bad once they leave the breeder) because they get out of the mill. The poor mothers have to spend the rest of their lives pregnant in those horrendous conditions. Not to mention the breeding males. It just needs to STOP. Breeding should be about QUALITY not QUANTITY and done humanely, not squeaking by with minimal standards of care. Those puppy mill owners can claim love of the species and quality of their animals until they are blue in the face, their actions say otherwise.
I havent seen it because I dont have a tv o_O But Im sure I would have wretched. The thought makes me mad. I have a friend who bought her Bichon from the only puppy supply store in Nl, turns out her dog is not pure-bred (go figure) but she's lucky enough that it dont have problems yet bc my mom's friend inherited a pug from her brother bought at the same store which was so messed up it peed everywhere and could not be left alone or unwatched it had bad bad health problems and after she could deal with it no longer I think they might have had him euthanized- the only bit of peace in his little life :
I had meant to watch this, but forgot until after it was over.
I'm already familiar with the issue, though, I doubt I would have learned anything new. I haven't shopped at Petland for many years, and no longer shop at ANY store that sells live animals.
Including PetSmart, PetCo, the local pet shop down the street from me, Tractor Supply, Walmart (they sell fish), Hallmark (they allow franchise holders to sell live frogs in tiny tanks), etc.
I won't voluntarily support that industry.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Was this a new Puppy Mill one or an older one?? I've seen the older one it's so sad to see all the puppies in horrible conditions
This is a new one. I couldn't watch as it wasn't playing in Canada. Hopefully is should come here soon.
I don't follow this sort of thing usually so the images were disturbing. However, I think the show was kind of shabbily made and over-dramatized the whole thing. I would have rather they just presented the facts instead of coloring the whole thing -- the facts speak for themselves. People can draw their own conclusions.
luvthempigs wrote:
BethM wrote:
Hallmark (they allow franchise holders to sell live frogs in tiny tanks), etc.
What? :?
Some Hallmark stores sell frog "habitats" that are just little plastic boxes with water and two small aquatic frogs in it. The frogs are small (maybe the size of a quarter), but the plastic boxes are only about 6-8" on each side, and not very deep. There is a "lucky bamboo" stuck in one corner that is supposed to serve the function of aeration (though there is a top on the box, not sure where the plant is supposed to grow, or what happens if it dies). The "habitats" come with what is supposed to be a year's supply of food, and instructions to clean the box once every other month.

I have not seen them in a Hallmark store, but I did see them in a local toy store I browsed one day. (There was a key chain that I was going to buy but as soon as I saw those frog habitats I put the key chain back and walked out.) Hallmark does not sell these in their corporate-owned stores, but allows franchised stores to sell them if they wish.

I live in the Kansas City metro (Hallmark's corporate home), and I know some people who work there. But I won't shop there.
i watched it an NOTHING suprised me, i already knew all of what they were saying. I too wonder how everyone doesnt know about puppy mills?

The hallmark by me sells those frogs!!!!!!

If the DEMAND for pet store puppies stops then the SUPPLY will stop cause there will be no need for the dogs. I have, in the past, protested with a local puppy mill watch group at a Pets plus, i need to get back to doing that.
Okay, So when did live frogs/fish/animals ever become something to be sold in a toy store? :shock::?

That set up reminds me of some of the horrid betta kits they sell in stores, very sad...

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