My bunny Cosmo I guess jumped over his pen in the other room because he was out and I hadn’t let him out for the day at this point. And when I opened the door he slipped through and out into the area where I was letting Stella my other bunny run. The two interacted for a moment and she tried to nip him but I caught him and brought him back. I think that interaction upset Stella because she started digging in her litter box and she doesn’t do that. And then she started digging the carpet. I’m worried that made her angry and I’m just hoping she doesn’t now have a negative experience with him. Do you all have any experience with something like that or know what I should do to try and help her calm down? They were staying in pens near each other but for play time they go out separately in different rooms at different times. Since Stella was unhappy I moved her into my room for the night but she was still mad this morning and digging the carpet. I’m worried and any advice would be great.