A slight revision to my spay/neuter timetablehad to be made due to a slight plumbing problem that appeared lastnight. As a result, Sunrise's neuter had to be pushed back to the endof March so he'll go down to the Vet at the same time as Smokey for herspay. Ain't life grand?
Speedy and Smokey have been pretty quiet today. I think it may have todo with Sunrise and Sunset's arrival and my attention being diverted togetting them properly settled in. Compared to Speedy and Smokey,Sunrise and Sunset haven't had it too good up to now and I'm trying toget them up to speed on what it means to be a spoiled houserabbit...hehe.
Sunrise has been pretty laid back. He's been basically eating,drinking, pooping and peeing in his cage between loudly flopping downand playing with his toys. He's a good little boy and I know that Ishould give him more attention but Sunset has taken up the most of mytime.
Sunset....ahh, my big beautiful girl. So eager to be petted and wantingso much love and attention, not to mention a decent sized home to liearound in. Two days ago, the poor thing was in a ferret cage withSunrise. Now she's in a medium sized dog crate with lots of toys, food,hay and water. Speaking of water, man can that girl drink! She mustdrink 3/4 of a 32 oz bottle in about a day because it seems likeeverytime I turn around I'm filling it up again. She's taken to herlitter box like she was born to it and eats eats eats. It's true thatwhoever said that big bunnies make big poops. I'm here to tell you thatthems some massive puffs coming out of that critter. Anyway, I had toreplace a pet bed in her cage with a towel topped with a large grassmat because the curved sides were like pooper off ramps and that shewas emptying her little bladder on it every chance she got. She'sgetting used to me holding her, which is good because when she squirms,she can really set up a motion. She loves being petted and scratched onthe head and nose. I've even heard her purr a few times.
Anyway, enough gushing about my mega-rabbit.