An update on Pam Nock

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To you and your family I am very sorry for your loss. We will hope and pray that you will all get through this tradgedy and that your father in law recovers as quickly as possible..Tatum

I haven't had the chance to get to know you yet, but im very sorry for your loss. i'll be praying for you and your family. i hope your father-in-law recovers soon!

take care and God bless!:pray:

I wanted to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and to Peg for keeping in touch :)

Unfortunately, at the time the forum was going through many changes, my computer contracted a virus and I was offline for some time.

I am now back online with a new computer, but have been very busy with with our rabbit club's secretarial work for our rabbit club as well as other rabbit related activities and shows.

We were devastated by the sudden loss of my mother-in-law and are struggling to get caught back up with everything in our lives.

Thank you to those who have kept in touch, I have missed the forum immensely, but do not currently have much time to spend on-line. I had also hoped to find the time to add more educational resources and articles to my website and am currently compiling basic genetics information to add to my site.



I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law. Losing a loved one is nevereasy.:(

Glad your computer is back up and running. :)
Pam, it's GREAT to see you back.

It may be silly to offer since the vast majority of this forum's knowledge came from you in the first place, but anything we can do to helpyou gather educational resources,articles or anything else, we'd be honored to at least try and give something back.

You are very much appreciated here at Rabbits Only!!

RO Staff

I am so glad to see that you are back:) You are certainly one of RO's most valuable resources!
RO STAFF wrote:
Pam, it's GREAT to see you back.

It may be silly to offer since the vast majority of this forum's knowledge came from you in the first place, but anything we can do to helpyou gather educational resources,articles or anything else, we'd be honored to at least try and give something back.

RO Staff

I appreciate the offer! I'm going to tackle finally putting some genetics info on my site and have been pondering new and interesting ideas of presenting the information since there are currently a vast number of rabbit coat color genetics sites. I've finally settled on how I'll be doing the graphics (although it will be time consuming). I'll be posting not only genotypes of rabbit coat colors, but descriptions and explainations of the coat colors as they apply phenotypically to the standard. There will also be illustrations of hair shaft colors where applicable.

So, this brings me to what everyone can do to help . . . I'd like to know what information everyone would like to see posted on genetics, what areas they find most confusing, etc.

Due to time limitations, it will take me a while to complete the project, but I'll try to add a little on a regular basis.

Thanks so much!

I went to your site and it looks so good!! I love the pictures you have all over it!! Guess what, I am going to my first show with Leo on the 18th and am freaking out about it!! GLAD YOU ARE BACK STILL!!!:bunnydance::elephant:And cant wait to read more posts from you!!

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