I wasnt going to weigh in onthis subject , for a verySimple Reason . No Two People are ever goingto agree on what is right orwrong with death , There is noright nor wrong , Death Catches usunaware , it catches us when it is the leastconvient . and It leaves large holes inthe hearts of those left behind .
To say animals feel this loss deeper , ormore so than Humans is not a fact ,They feel sudden losses just as youor I would , deeply , profoundly and totally. Animals like Humans will commit a typeof suicide when deep loss anddepression sets in , they cannot endurethe loss any better than we can .
I could start on a note of ,RememberwhenLittle fluffy past away , I wasso stunned , depressed , shockedand saddened I couldnt eat , sleep orfunction for XX amount of days, weeks, months , But I wont , Why? you ask, because most people do notbelieve Animals feel this way also. After all they are just animals , how could theypossibly feel sudden loss , why wouldthey care if Their world is turnedupside down , they wont notice we haveleft them , right ? No Wrong .
A prime example and I am only goingto use this because it is a perfect example of aRabibt Giving up , not being able to move on ,couldnt get past the loss of someone sodear to her .
Mitzy, Bucks Jones's Rabbit who went tolive with Charlotte after Buck Passedaway . Mitzy had gone through the loss of2 companion rabbits before Buck passed away , Thenone day out of the blue although withwarning she was Placed with Oneof the Most Loving , Caring Persons on the face ofthe Earth. Did even placing her into aHappy , Loving Environment Help Mitzy , unfortunatelyNo Mitzy sat in her cage , roamed around herenclosure , lost , feeling rejected, lonelyfor her Human who died , No amount ofcomfort , Love , or normal Humancompassion can replace what an animalfeels for her Human , Charlotte dideverything to help Mitzy cope , went the extramiles , loved her like she would had she gotten her asa small baby . Nothing help ease Mitzysloss or pain , so ever so slowly so as not to benoticed she stopped eating ,Mitzy was dieing of a brokenheart , She wanted to be withher Human , no amount ofcoaxing would help .
I have to ask Everyone : andcertainly no offense to anone is meant nor implied. Which is more cruel to leave an animal to starveto death slowly or to let them go tosleep peacefully with their Human ? I would alsolike to remind everyone Hind Sight is 20/ 20 , whatyou think and feel right now may notbe whats right nor wrong .
I would also like to remind Everyone thatat least 75 % of All animals brought into ashelter are not rehomed , its a false sense ofsecurity and a way to ease our own mindsthat we are doing the best thing for our animals , Iam sorry thats not always the case. Read back through some of the Rescue Posts , reread some of the post that say , IF THESE RABBITSARE NOT ADOPTED THEY WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP. Where is the Peace of Mind in all this? Shelters , Rescues , and HRS facilitiesare maxed out , will be maxed out andwill forever be maxed out.Willplacing Your Animal with thesefacilities Ease your mind , will it easeanyone elses mind , No it wont,all it does is take a decisionYOU dont want to make away and put it onsomeone elses shoulders .
Before you hit reply and go off on atirade of how wrong I am thinkabout what your going to say , If YOUknow an Animal is not going to adjust toYou Dieing suddenly , will not be able tocope with the loss of your not being thereeveryday ,Why wouldnt you do the Humanething and let the little one or ones go with you .