An Unusual Question

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:?I'm always worried that something will happen to me and my pets will be without me. I usually try to put it out of my mind but in the case of my parrot I should really be planning something. My parrot is about 5 yrs old and they can live as long as 70yrs. My husband enjoys the pets but I am the caretaker. If I died I know some of my friends would take a few butnot all of them. I would feel OK if my rabbits were in a House Rabbit Society foster home but I wouldn't want them in a shelter. If I was rich I would give a huge amount of money to a rabbit org. or sanctuary with the stipulation that my rabbits were cared for in the manner that they are used to. I would trust two other people but thats it. I would rather thatthe bunniesnever suffer the confusion of losing me. I would appoint one friend guardian of my pets and if she felt that they should be euthanized that would be OK. This is really a disturbing subject.
No offense to anyone but I really would not wantmy bunnies to be euthenized. Im sure if you just wait long enoughsomeone will find them the perfect home:)I know it would behard... but most of the lives rabbits have are better than death. Whyshorten a bunnies life when it is perfectly healthy and can be happywithout you?
I havent thought of this but i would want mysister to take some and find good homes for others.As i have showrabbits most of them could be found homes.I hope nobody takes this thewrong way but i know my sister better than i know anybody on thisboard.I realize i have two rabbits that might have to be euthanized ifi wasnt is very old and the other is handicapped.bluebird
Carolyn wrote:
JimD wrote:
Without a doubt.......I would want my buns to go to members of the forum family.

Buck wanted that too, but in the end - of all of the members here, onlyone stepped up to the plate. (Dootsmom) And he hada lot more years invested in the forum than 99% of us.

Truth be told, I wouldn't count on it.

Sad....but true.:(

I'm considering setting up a trust fund. Not all states legally support this, however NJ is one of them that does.

I wasnt going to weigh in onthis subject , for a verySimple Reason . No Two People are ever goingto agree on what is right orwrong with death , There is noright nor wrong , Death Catches usunaware , it catches us when it is the leastconvient . and It leaves large holes inthe hearts of those left behind .

To say animals feel this loss deeper , ormore so than Humans is not a fact ,They feel sudden losses just as youor I would , deeply , profoundly and totally. Animals like Humans will commit a typeof suicide when deep loss anddepression sets in , they cannot endurethe loss any better than we can .

I could start on a note of ,RememberwhenLittle fluffy past away , I wasso stunned , depressed , shockedand saddened I couldnt eat , sleep orfunction for XX amount of days, weeks, months , But I wont , Why? you ask, because most people do notbelieve Animals feel this way also. After all they are just animals , how could theypossibly feel sudden loss , why wouldthey care if Their world is turnedupside down , they wont notice we haveleft them , right ? No Wrong .

A prime example and I am only goingto use this because it is a perfect example of aRabibt Giving up , not being able to move on ,couldnt get past the loss of someone sodear to her .

Mitzy, Bucks Jones's Rabbit who went tolive with Charlotte after Buck Passedaway . Mitzy had gone through the loss of2 companion rabbits before Buck passed away , Thenone day out of the blue although withwarning she was Placed with Oneof the Most Loving , Caring Persons on the face ofthe Earth. Did even placing her into aHappy , Loving Environment Help Mitzy , unfortunatelyNo Mitzy sat in her cage , roamed around herenclosure , lost , feeling rejected, lonelyfor her Human who died , No amount ofcomfort , Love , or normal Humancompassion can replace what an animalfeels for her Human , Charlotte dideverything to help Mitzy cope , went the extramiles , loved her like she would had she gotten her asa small baby . Nothing help ease Mitzysloss or pain , so ever so slowly so as not to benoticed she stopped eating ,Mitzy was dieing of a brokenheart , She wanted to be withher Human , no amount ofcoaxing would help .

I have to ask Everyone : andcertainly no offense to anone is meant nor implied. Which is more cruel to leave an animal to starveto death slowly or to let them go tosleep peacefully with their Human ? I would alsolike to remind everyone Hind Sight is 20/ 20 , whatyou think and feel right now may notbe whats right nor wrong .

I would also like to remind Everyone thatat least 75 % of All animals brought into ashelter are not rehomed , its a false sense ofsecurity and a way to ease our own mindsthat we are doing the best thing for our animals , Iam sorry thats not always the case. Read back through some of the Rescue Posts , reread some of the post that say , IF THESE RABBITSARE NOT ADOPTED THEY WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP. Where is the Peace of Mind in all this? Shelters , Rescues , and HRS facilitiesare maxed out , will be maxed out andwill forever be maxed out.Willplacing Your Animal with thesefacilities Ease your mind , will it easeanyone elses mind , No it wont,all it does is take a decisionYOU dont want to make away and put it onsomeone elses shoulders .

Before you hit reply and go off on atirade of how wrong I am thinkabout what your going to say , If YOUknow an Animal is not going to adjust toYou Dieing suddenly , will not be able tocope with the loss of your not being thereeveryday ,Why wouldnt you do the Humanething and let the little one or ones go with you .
Wow Gypsy. That really made methink. I previously was of the thought that there would be noway I would have mypets put to sleep if I died.After reading your post, I have changed myopinion.Thank you.
zakfoxmom wrote:
Wow Gypsy. That really made me think. Ipreviously was of the thought that there would be no way I would havemypets put to sleep if I died. After reading yourpost, I have changed my opinion.Thank you.
It was not my intent to Changeanyones minds , But to getpeople thinking . Some Animalswouldnt miss us at all , Somewould miss us a little , Some would miss us alot ,BUT for the Ones who would bedevistated as Mitzy was sometimesEuthinasia is The Kinder of all options .
Believe me....the samerabbits that have stolen our hearts and souls could be considered "pests" by more people than you could imagine. It is hard to believe that but it is true. I would never put any pet of mine in a shelter that euthanized because very few rabbits leave that type of shelter. I Would place arabbit of mine with a House Rabbit Society or a shelter devoted to rabbits like everyone on this site is but very few people would give the time and effort that we do to our bunnies.
angieluv wrote:
Believe me....the samerabbits that have stolen ourhearts and souls could be considered "pests" by more people than youcould imagine. It is hard to believe that but it is true. I would neverput any pet of mine in a shelter that euthanized because very fewrabbits leave that type of shelter. I Would place a rabbit of minewitha House Rabbit Society or a shelter devoted to rabbits likeeveryone on this site is but very few people would give the time andeffort that we do to our bunnies.
Even HRS and Rabbit Specific shelters have a breaking point. Read back through the posts where itsays many of them are not accepting newRabbits .

By the post Lissa started and you have respondedto even the shelter you work atis Euthanizing unplaceable rabbits . HRS,shelters and rescues all lend a false senseof security .

Everyone here knows I ran andstill occasionallywill still take inrescue , I have had to stop because ofSome issusesand No More Room , I am maxed out , I donot have one single cage, bigor small available , I even have 3 in myhouse as we speak, Two of whichare destined for new home In April. The One and only cage I have Openis Reserved for a Very Special Rabbit comingin from Illinois , Would I givesomeone the false sensethat Yes I can and WIll takeanymore after this , No I cant do that ,I have to be upfront and Honestand tell them their options good , bador indifferent . Sorry if this makes meappear cold hearted or indifferent Itsthe way it is .
It's a very good idea to make arrangements for all your animals...beforehand.

Buck did this....I was happy to be there for him, "The Misses", and thebuns. Buck had given so much of himself to me, over theyears, that I had no reservations when I responded to his call forhelp. I would do it again, for a friend, in aheartbeat!

I have 39 rabbits here. My friend Marilyn will take over the"shelter" should anything happen to me. I will be getting allof her rabbits......... My husband has no clue as to what todo with them and, even if he did, he doesn't have 4 hours a day, tospare, to care for them.

Most of us would like to think that, when we go, our "beloved pets" andwards will be willingly taken in by our friends and familymembers. Not so...the truth is: most of our friendsand family members do not want the extra burden or expense that comeswith caring for them. The truth is: most of ourfamily and friends will, after a short while, begin to resent thisextra burden.

We "love them to death" but, rabbits are not what everyone wouldconsider a "good pet". That's why there are so many of themin shelters. That's why I have so many of them.That's why adoptions, are few & far between. My"shelter" is full, my house is "wall to wall" rabbits. I haveto turn rabbits away...minimum of 5 calls a week. No othershelter is taking them.

What happened with Mitzie was a "learning experience" for me.It should be considered when placing your rabbits in anotherhome/environment. I should have realized, sooner, that shewas not coping with the loss of Buck. WhenCinnabun's "friend" passed away, unexpectedly one night, I thought Iwas going to lose him. Cinnabun pined....he stoppedeating. Fortunately, Ginger's persist nudging and groomingbrought him out of his slump.

Even interacting with Mickey and Maizie did not make Mitziehappy. She was loved, petted, given her worked. She didn't want to bondwith any other rabbit. She pined for Buck. They arenow together.

Should anything happen to me, Lorenzo would have to "come with me".....maybe
Beauty, too......and Miss Elizabeth. I don't worry about thebonded pairs or trio's. I worry about the loners that onlywant me to love them. I worry about the ones that have"special needs" Shmoo, Noodles, and Funny-Bunny.

There are sooooo many things to be considered. Each rabbithas to thought of as an individual....I cannot think of them all as"one".

Taking them to a Shelter is not an option. Even the "no kill"ones have them put to sleep. If they are kept, to be put upfor adoption, few shelters are equiped to care for them.Therefore, they become stressed, become sick, their personalitieschange, they become unadoptable....they are transfered to anothershelter and put to sleep.

If I didn't have anyone to leave them to, I would have them all humanely euthanized.

This decision does not give me "peace of mind" but, at least, they will "be at peace" and we will be together.
Thank You Charoltte ,

I am sitting here with Tears in my eyes ,rare event for me. I was hoping youwould weigh in on this subjectBecause of Mitzy , I know the Hell youwent through trying to help her , The heartbreakyou went through after losing Buck then Her. I agree it isnt Our Peace of mind thatcounts its Their Peacefullness and comfort thatmatter .

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