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I'm so glad the little ones are doing well! They are too cute. Also, I guess Amy's rats are more spoiled than mine because I don't cook for them every day. I just give them their Harlan blocks, their mix (I use Suebee's recipe she specially formulated it to be rat healthy and a lot of people on Goosemoose feed it), and whatever I deem suitable from our dinner. Usually things like plain rice or noodles and veggies, maybe a bit of tuna or bit of cheese. Stay away from processed stuff or things that are too salty or fatty. Oh and mine get baby food a lot also, they love it! Also, as far as feeding them, most of their diet should be lab blocks, not the cereal mix. They just need a little of that. The lab blocks are generally accepted to be custom made for rats and have all the nutrition they need, so other food is just to supplement it. Don't give them too much protein, either, like eggs and stuff. A little is fine, but every day is probably too much unless they're pregnant or nursing females. Here is a link to a rat safe food list:

A lot of rat owners are all for lab blocks, but a lot are for high quality dog foods.

I am one of the dog food lovers for rat food mixes. I think it takes more care because you need to make sure it's not to high in protien and your rat is getting everything else that they need, nutritionally, but dog food works well for all of us over here :).

Eh, Shiloh...just because I cook rattie dinners every night doesn't mean mine are more spoiled :p. Sometimes I get really tired and lazy, and just give them a small peice of wheat bread for dinner. Mine always need something at night, dinner or not. I guess they have me trained, haha!
Hi Amy! I didn't mean "spoiled" in a bad way AT ALL... Maybe I should have said "lucky"! :biggrin2: It's funny, with children being spoiled is definitely a bad thing, but with animals like ratties, I think it's very good. Providing they aren't being spoiled in that they get to eat Coco Puffs all day. I'm certain my ratties would love for you to cook them dinner every night! I pointed out that I don't cook for my ratties specifically (other than to make them treats or chop up veggies or don't add salt to the rice we have for dinner so the rats can have it) so that Katt wouldn't think that it's absolutely vital and opt not to keep the girlies because of it. :hug:
Good thinking, Shiloh!

Just make sure if you do start cooking up rattie dinners nightly, they WILL expect it every night for the rest of their years, hahaha :laughsmiley:!
You know, we are truly lucky/blessed here to have so many great people who can help each other like this! We have a wealth of knowledge floating around this board and it's really good to see people working together like this!

I just wanted to say that cause it makes me really feel great to know I am a part of something that works so well!

Plus I am mooshy and tired and love those little babies!

I think we should find the people who dumped them, put them in a big crate that they have to chew their way out of, and dump them in the forest.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I think we should find the people who dumped them, put them in a big crate that they have to chew their way out of, and dump them in the forest.

i agree! i am still a little angry with myself for not realizing what was going on and getting their plate numbers!

would have loved to see them at least get fined for what they did. . . "guess those cheap disposable rats cost you more then you thought huh?"

oh well, at least they are all safe and sound.

and i am having fun with this cooking for them thing. . . it is 5:30 am and i am already thinking about what i can make them for dinner. . .

hopefully i will get some more photos tonight, and they really are cute! we are having a great name debate as my roommate wants the light one to be sabrina and the dark one to be lula-may, and i want the light one to be lula-may and the dark one to be sabrina!

we will see how it all works out!
katt wrote:
and i am having fun with this cooking for them thing. . . it is 5:30 am and i am already thinking about what i can make them for dinner. . .

This is really one of the fun parts about owning ratlets :). You can mix the weirdest stuff together in one bowl and they will eat it. Like turkey & gravy baby food with grapes, cottage cheese, oats, and eggs.

timetowaste wrote:
the white rattie looks like a research rat to me......we have rats in my neural plasticity lab that look like that chick (or guy, haha)....

She's a hooded rat, so she is not a "lab rat". Most "lab rats" are PEW.

I am pretty sure this is a litter that resulted from an accident, and the person who dumped them waited until they were weaned because they couldn't find homes for them.
she isn't really all white, she has a light cream colored markings on her!

how bout a couple of photos??? not the best photo quality, but still cute!



lula (the light one) was snoozing out when i started flashing, and was a little irked that i wake her up. it was rather cute as she was sleeping with both her front feet all fisted up. . .

sabrina on the other hand was content just sitting there, she would venture down my leg once in a while, and if i spoke, she would climb up near my mouth. . .

they are getting along well here right now! it is interesting learning about them!
they seem very relaxed. . . lula was even teeth purring. . . just laying there! out of the 2 she is way more relaxed the sabrina, sabrina seems way more reserve then lula does, and i am wondering if that is because she is from a different, younger litter. as she seems younger.

sabrina's fur also seems way thinner. . . is this normal? is this okay? i can only afford the vet this week if it is an emergancy. . . other then that, i would like to wait another week or 2 to bring them to the vet for a checkup

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