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So, what'd you think???? I couldn't decide, but thought that Syesha did a better job than David C. by just a bit. It's still gonna be a good finale! Anxious to hear what you thought.
pumpkinandwhiskersmom wrote:
Anxious to hear what you thought.

:D I just adore and love David C! Want him to win it, but if he takes runner up, just as good. You can do what you want without Idol consent after the tour. Look at Daughtery! I didn't really care for Syesha's Fever, but the other two were good. David A always does well. I just think it's funny that the judges didn't like any of the Producers choices for them, haha. Simon said as much after Syesha's performance.

Cannot wait for next week!:weee:
I can't wait for next week...but then I'll be bummed that it's over for another year. Will definitely be going through Idol withdrawal...LOL:biggrin2: I'm excited for David C. as well.....he's really good, and a breath of fresh air this season. I thought the competition, especially here at the end, was really good.....
Who do I think will win? Not sure. David A. has a huge fan following (seems to be made up mostly of pre- and early-teens), but David C. is pretty popular too.

Who do I want to win? David C.! As much as David A. has a great voice, I just wouldn't listen to his songs...not my style.

I think the only thing I was really surprised about this season was way back when they were making their Hollywood selections, and they ruled out that young guy (what was his name again?) who was living out of his car. He had a tiny bit of an arrogant side, but I suspect that would have toned down. He was super talented...he wouldn't have won the entire thing, but he would have given many of them a run for their money, I'll bet.

Overall it's been a good season and I'll be sad to see it end too. Looking forward to next week!
I think David A will get all the votes because of the teenage girls, but I think David C should win because he's Ready for It., David A isn't, he laughs alot, and all. I think David C for sure!
I like David A, but I think David C should win for sure. He's fantastic, and I think would be way more successful than David A as far as record sales etc.

I missed it tonight, what happened? I missed tonight because my daughter had a 4H thing and there is another 4H thing tomorrow night. The people who schedule these things should know to schedule around Idol, I mean really!
3 songs each again, 1st one chosen by Clyde Davis-he chose U2 for David C and Elton John for David A. Second was songs written for the contest by viewers. Third was their choice-David C chose Collective Soul-The World I Know, David A chose Imagine-John Lennon.

Honestly, I think David A sang best, but I still want David C to win. David C cried when he was done with the last song, aww.;) I'm voting my butt off, we have hour hours tonight! If you want to vote, you can get that at the site below.:D

You can go to idol discussion/watch tonight's play by play to find out everything that heppened, including what the judges said after each:D.
Honestly, I think David A sang best, but I still want David C to win.

Yeah, that's what I feel too...David Archuleta performed the best last night, by far. I suspect he is going to take the win (my hope has always been David Cook to take it), although really, I don't think it will matter all that much at this point; both will have successful careers.

About the only thing I don't care for is that contestants have the option of falling back to a song they already performed and will do it again, as David A. did last night with "Imagine". He does an amazing job with the song, but I would liked to have seen him do something else. (I believe Michael Johns did that as well; took a song he'd performed well and repeated it later on in the competition.)

At any rate, whoever wins will most definitely deserve it...both Davids are fantastic!
I love them both. However, I do wish to see David C win. First of all, it would be so nice to see someone with a different style win. Second of all, it'd be much nicer to see someone mature win. I mean, David A. can definitely sing, but I feel he still has daddy behind him too much and i wonder how much of the real David A. we are actually seeing. I figure it would be a pain to work with him if he always looks to his father for support. Lol. :)
spoh wrote:
I missed it tonight, what happened? I missed tonight because my daughter had a 4H thing and there is another 4H thing tomorrow night. The people who schedule these things should know to schedule around Idol, I mean really!
4H is cancelled tonight! Yeah, gotta love the rain and bittercold of Mayin Northern Michigan. It feels more like the end of November than the end of May but I am glad tonight.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so sure that David A. would win.....sooooo excited that it was David Cook. He seems like such a nice guy!

Simon really is the kiss of death! I thought it was nice that he apologized to David C.

I'm totally satisfied, but will now begin the withdrawal symptoms that happen every year.

Anxious to hear what the rest of you guys think of the outcome.
Well, you know I'm ecstatic!!!!:yahoo: I seriously thought David A would get it too. I couldn't believe it when Ryan said it! He was really blown away, he cried, it was so darn cute! I'm so very happy for him. Can't wait for his album, it will be awesome:).

I also thought pretty much the entire show tonight was awesome as well. Loved Cook with ZZ Top, that was awesome. Carey was great as well. My husband cannot stand that one girl that sounds like Melissa Etheridge, lol. She sounded horrible tonight, I thought. Eck. If anyone Tivoed it, you've got a great show to watch!

I thought is was great that Simon apologized to Cook as well, I was watching Idol Tonight before the show and he said it on there. Nice that he did it on the show:D.



I was surprised! I thought David A. would get it because of his fan club amongst screechy teen girls :pI was soooo happy David C. got it. He seems like a really sweet guy and I am happy that his brother got to see him win. :)I'm really happy with the diversity of the winners. :p

As for me, I am Canadian and the less politics I can listen to, the better. LOL.
pumpkinandwhiskersmom wrote:
You know what the sad thing is....I sometimes am afraid that people care more about Idol than they do the election!:shock:...just mho.
I don't vote, never have. Don't understand all of it tbo and it bores me to death. It's always about picking the lesser of the evils to me. You can't trust what they "say".:?
Check out this George Michael on the last Idol!:D


It was just beautiful!:)