Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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So last night I went out with friends and had the most fun I have had in YEARS! I have had fun times, good times but not like this. Loved every moment and so am going back. Needed that.

Kashi and Bianca came through their spays just fine and Lindsay is home and slowly coming around. Seems like some how she ate something that made her deadly sick. I do NOT like this vets office. I plan on writing a letter. Not a nice one.
Glad you were able to go out and have fun with friends. Sometimes you just need a release like this. :)
Good for you taking some time for yourself! I'm glad you had fun.

Also glad the spays went well! Sorry to hear about your grandmas dog, but it sounds like she'll hopefully be okay. Pet emergencies are always scary!

Yeah, I am addicted to WoW.... but, it's trial only so, hard to say. I am leaning towards not buying it for my life's sake.
Thanks everyone when I left the house at 3:30am she was still with us. Heading home check on her than head out to get Kashi. See how my grandma is. See my god kids. Than home.
Do you think this is still something from before when Harli wasn't feelingwell? Poor little baby.... I hope you are able to figure out what is bothering her.

