Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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Ok some random shots..







Fallon my new foster


Oooo.... I wish you weren't so far away!! I would date Ellie with Fallon ina heart-beat!! I adopted one of my fosters, Ellie, because she is my heart-bunny. I knew it from the first time I held her. She is a black/white Dutch also.

That photo of Quinn make his eyes look so huge!! Madison looks so chilled-out...:D
Fallon is a sweetheart that story is crappy. She is overweight, they didn't get out time. Kept in small cage,"agressive" so they didn't want her. They replaced her before we even picked her up with a pair of babies.
Isn't that the way? Ellie went through at least two other owners before I picked her up for foster. She was malnourished with a big body, little head, and stick legs. She reminded me so much of Luna when I first saw her. Even Naturestee agreed with me on that one, since she had fostered Luna. Ellie now has maintained her weight and seems happy with me all filled out with shiny new hair. Her jaw abscess may also be healed since I keep telling her that she is with me forever and I will always love her.

I do hope Fallon will find the home she deserves. :pray:

Happy Gotcha day for Mr. Ringo :)

Fallon is gorgeous. It really sucks when we hear their "stories" and see what a mismatch it is. When I met Kirby, they said he was messy and that's why he was thrown out in a hutch outdoors :( Kirby has to have some of the best litter habits I've ever seen, second only to Toby. I firmly believe half the time it's the human who's not doing something right.

Janet - Aww, Ellie is your heart bun? I wish you had more time to start a blog. I really miss seeing Mr. Patrick and your dutch train. ;)
Isadora is looking SO good! Lookit that tail, very nice!

Your new geckos and foster bunny are beautiful :)
WOW that's awesome! :D I'm so glad to hear that. I'm so glad you were willing to take her and continue her recovery process.
Ok so Expo was great. Gave me tons to think about. I did NOT come home with anything living. Which I am proud of but I did come home with some awesome supplies.
Some set up pics... not many...

We took the two 2 story Leith Petwerks and made one a 3 story and the other a single so I could put the tanks on it at an easier height for me. The lipon Isa's tank broke so we need to replace it with a new one for now she is in a 10gal. Her tank is on top of Jax and the vipers on the side. Ringo is in the single.















The trio is on the top two areas. When the bonding is done we will add a ramp and they will have run of the whole things.


My moist hide for the vipers...:D



The other 3 story is divided into three sections. Fallon on top, than Elvis and Teresa, and bottom Apple. Gabriel has the blue cage. Bo's tank in the back.





I know about the sale debating it. It's on the regular tanks which work just as well but I like the other one better. Price wise makes sense. Though when I looked they didn't have the size I wanted.
Very Nice Alicia.. But it would have drove me nuts with rabbits in the house. But I am sure they are loved by you and get very spoiled in the house.. :p