Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2009

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Nyx keeps telling Montana to be a diva bun so she can come live here and help Nyx keep all the other does in line...

So..when can I expect her??

You know she really wants to be a Texas bunny...right?

Theresa can even come along to make sure Montana behaves herself...
Peg and Nyx.....


Thanks Kelli.

Thanks April.
Gabriel is now Xavier Gabriel.
TinysMom wrote:
I still think that Montana should've been named Texas...and moved here.

Nope she was destained for me. I have always been in love with Montana can't live there so a bunny named Montana hops into my life.

Kashi trying on her X-mas dress...



Her X-mas eve dress



Her winter jacket. This is not her winter play jacket. This is basic play and visit jacket. :D:p



Did you get those from the dollar bins at Target? If so, did they have any boy-ish ones? Sammy needs to dress up on Christmas Eve, as we are all going to Dad & Kelly's because Gram and my brother are coming out this year :D.

ETA: I forgot to say how stinkin' adorable Kashi looks :inlove:.

undergunfire wrote:
Did you get those from the dollar bins at Target? If so, did they have any boy-ish ones? Sammy needs to dress up on Christmas Eve, as we are all going to Dad & Kelly's because Gram and my brother are coming out this year :D.

ETA: I forgot to say how stinkin' adorable Kashi looks :inlove:.

The dresses yes and yes toboy stuff. $5.00 total for both dresses. :biggrin2:

Thank you! I plan on taking better pictures during the holidays.

How in less than one week did I lose three of our babies? Why? What did we do? I miss my babies.
So this year is almost at an end what can I say, it has had its ups and downs. Many things have happened.

We gained two new bunnies. Both for different reasons. Montana because we missed having a flemmie and the one that was meant to be finally entered our life. Than Gabriel who needed us and started our sanctuary for head-tilt bunnies.

We also lost all three of our remaining guinea pigs in one week. That was one of the hardest blows I have ever had. It hurts like nothing ever has. Their ashes are ready to come home but honestly? I am not ready. Almost was but than life has a way of taking a crap on you and changing your mind, your heart and your soul.Something horrible happened this week in my family that really made that loss dim in comparison. No I won't discuss it very personal.

It is amazing allthat happened in one month but it did andI am honestly ready for it to end. Let this year end and the new year ring.

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