Wrote this a long time ago need to work on it alot!
Samantha Jane and Ringo Starr
It's hard to talk about Sam with out talking about Ringo. We spoke alotabout wanting to get a dog.Myhusbandwanted a rabbit.
On Friday July 8, 2005 my than fiance Robwas up to where Ilive to pick me up for the weekend, on the way he received a call. Itwas Dani, a long time friend of his. Shecalled and said she had a gift for us if she could stop by the nextday. He said yes. Now the thing is that this was on friday that I hadoff. Knowing he wanted a rabbit Icalledapet store and found out they had rabbits.This was before I knew anything about pet store and rabbits.So I told him lets just go look. We don't have to get one. He pickedone up and that was it. It was a little male dwarf rabbit. He is whitewith black markings.
We drove to the apartment. We spent that night playing with him andjust enjoying his exploring. From day one he was the sweetest thing.The next morning we call Rob's mom and he says mom "guess what we got arabbit." She ask "you got or he was given to you." He said "we boughthim." She says "oh." He ask "why?" After a little she tells us Dani wasgetting one for us. Uh Oh!! When they get here we see this huge Rabbit.I never in my life knew that rabbits got so big. They said they wouldtake her back because we had Ringo but I could see that they reallywanted to give us a gift from the heart. We said that wewould give it time and see how it worked out.
It was touch and go with her. She nipped meafewtimes, drawing blood. She nipped Ringo a fewtimes. One time making him bleed. We almost sent her back. It was hardon one hand we had Ringo who was the biggest baby. Still is. On theother hand we had her who trully scared me. I would not gonear her or her cage. If he let her out I was in the room with Ringo. Iwas scared of a rabbit!
When I found out she came from a shelter I said one way oranother I will keep her. I wasn't sending her back. I keptthinking in a few months I will be there and lets see then.
We got married October 1st 2005. By that time we had them3mnths. As soon as I moved in I started letting them out more. Istarted doing research online and found so many wonderful groups whowere very happy to give me hints on how to work with her. I would layon the floor and just read out loud. Leave some kind of treat to coaxher over. I eventually would just pet her slowly. If I saw her tense upI would stop and let her relax. It took time but eventuallywe were able to pet her. One day while I was sitting on the floor shecame over begging for treats. Thirteen pound bunny crawling over me fortreats. She now crawls over me for fun. She has knocked me down. Itisn't easy when you have a rabbit who weighs so much push against theback of your knees. She will go to sleep as I pet her. Because of Ringoand Sam we now have two other rabbits. A male dwarf rabbit ConnorGrayson and a netherland dwarf Teresa Mekare. (See how old this is andwhy I have to update it? )She is very friendly with my dogAkasha Maharet a pom and tolerates the other buns.
I would say to anyone who is having these problems just give it time.Don't give up. Even if they don't come around all the way the way shedid. I wish people could see how she is. It is amazing be apart of herlife. She is the queen in our house hold. Remeber thatsometimes it is hard to trust another person. Now step into thatrabbits paws and see how hard it is to trust someone who controls yourlife. Although it seems more like the rabbits control our life.