Alicia and The Zoo Crew! (2007)

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Ever visited Graceland?

I'm embarrassed to say I've lived here all my life and it took me 36years totour his home. It was reallyawesome. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought Iwould.

Pictures that you can see his eyes better.




And some just because!








Oh my goodness! He is adorable. It is nice tosee a white bunny with blue eyes, you always see the pink eyes ones.(not that they aren't pretty) He is a cutie, and your photos capturehis cuteness perfectly.:bunnyheart

What a lovely boy! And I love thoseblue eyes! Any idea how big he is? His color isblue eyed white sport (blue eyed white with random other markings).

I hope you can keep him! Elvis is the king! :bow
I love the "eyeliner" on his right eye.

He's so handsome. His face reminds me of a New ZealandWhite. Of course hemust be mixed with somethingelse to get the markings, but he really is a pretty boy.

Enough pictures? Never!!!

Actually, with the bit of eyeliner I'm wondering if he could be a hototmix. They're not common, but I don't know how many other bigbun breeds have the blue eyed white color.
Well update on Elvis. We have been tryingveggies, and some fruit. He is slowly starting to eat them. He looks atit like it is from outer space. What he does eat he sucks down like heis scared they will take it away:(.