Alicia and The Zoo Crew! (2007)

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Cages are kept in my room. Play time is outside.






The People Under The Stairs (1991) Brandon Adams, Everett McGill Wendy Robe.

I love scarey movies.
HAHA!! Okay, I've finished the videonow...and for some strange reason feel like sponsoring a child...notsure why...;)

Anyway, I LOVE the look he gives you when you bug him with that red box!! That's CLASSIC!!!! :D
Oh! It's the "everyone else has had more sex than me" bunny! I love him :D


Lol Rosie, I got that same feeling!

*edit* here he is in video form!
Rosie I have no IDEA what you are talking about.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Heh! I ment I have no idea what you ment aboutthe other bunnies. I was using that for you name silly lady.:bunnydance:What have you been drinking?

Edit: Sponsor my buns!

Oh well in that case, yeah!

A dollar a day, just one dollar, can help a little girl like me. Iwait, and hope...while you eat your dinner, a little girl waits. Butyou think "what can I do? The problems too big?"...just a dollar a dayfolks (PM me for my bank account details).
LOL!! I wouldn't mind sponsoring...yousee how small my house is!! (Latest videos in my latest BunnyBlog...)

Hehe...I wanna HOUSE!!! SPONSORS NEEDED!!!! :D

Hey, you can trust me...I'll give the BUNNIES the house and live HERE!! ;)
Well here is a video of my place for give the mess. The bags in the kitchen are cans.

Wow! That was pretty amazing :D. I can't believeyou keep so many critters in your room - all I can say is, you musthave a very animal loving husband (and lots of eyes watching you atnight :shock:)

Must be heaven to be surrounded by bunnies while you sleep :inlove:

And Ringo running!! Hehe, that was so cute :hug:

I like your place, it's nice. Apartments seem pretty cool, you don'treally get those here unless you live in the middle of the city,amongst the sky-scrappers.
Heh, I will do a better on when I have finished the redecorating. Did I mention I am doing that for the 100th time in a year?

I do have a wonderful husband. He babies them all.
Oh, wonderful! Yeah, from the looks of it, your place is about twice the size of ours! Hehe!!

Were you watching Crossing Over with Jonathan Edward? I thinkI saw him there on the TV screen...hehe! (Why do I noticethese things???)

Hey, I know what it's like to have five pairs of eyes watching you inyour sleep...I have them, too...and when I get up, all the animalsstart running around all they're happy to seeme! It's so cute! :D
That was Soap Net.
Making my husband watch that and telling him we need more rabbits-at least as fosters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ponder:

If you can have that many in your room, then I can houseacouplein my room, and more in the diningroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:embarrassed::whistling
:shock:Tell your husband I am sorry. I won't mention I get my foster on Saturday. :whistling
A foster? Details, woman!

I love Ringo, what a sweetheart!

I always wondered how you fit all those animals in. You do areally good job at it! I hate seeing people with largerapartments who refuse to give their animals anything but the mostcramped little cage possible because "nothing else would fit."
Uhhh did you see the animals rule here? We paythe rent for them and they allows us small areas of the apartment.:shock:

I am getting a black and white 2year old holland lop. She weighs2.2lbs, already spayed. Her name is Bree. She has a slight case ofhead-tilt as a baby.

The husbands allergys(sp?) have become very bad and he can no longercare for her. We have the feeling it was fun for the wife when he wasdoing the cleaning but now that she has to its stinky.

She is in a wire bottom cage with no litter pan. They say she likes tobe held but doesn't like to be picked up. Once in your arms she likesto cuddle.

Sometime Saturday she will be here and I will take pictures right away. :bunnydance:

Last year during the election time, my husband came out and said in a loud voice (while raising his hand as if taking an oath)..

"I do solemnly swear that if elected husband, there will be a bunny in every room."

Should I hold him to it?


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
If you can have thatmany in your room, then I can housea couplein myroom, and more in the diningroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:embarrassed::whistling

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