Alfalfa Hay....Trix is out of regular hay

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
Is it ok for me to give her a bunch of alfalfahay until tomorrow after I get off from work?Thelatestbag ofhay I bought (OxbowTimothy) was mostly brown with a little green in it and looked dead.The last 2 bags of Oxbow smelled nice and were really green. I don'twant to feed her the brown hay and was wondering if it's ok to give herthe alfalfa hay until tomorrow. I bought the alfalfa hay yesterdayalong with the new bag of timothy hay as a treat for her.

Trix is about 12 weeks old now....

OH...and I am returning the brown hay tomorrow, too....


I really wish I had an answer for you, buthonestly I don't see how there would be a problem with her having itjust for one night. How old is she? Does she getalfalfa hay on a regular basis?

My original reason for responding is to let you heart meltsevery time I see your avatar of Trixie...that has got to be the mostadorable bunny picture I've ever seen. :)
Hi and thanks, Maherwoman! I love that pic ofher! That was the day we brought her home, she was so TINY! I can'tbelieve how FAST she is growing! She is outgrowing her cage already!
Anyways, I went with my gut and gave her some alfalfa hay, but not alot...she doesn't get alfalfa hay on a regular basis, she gets timothyhay...bur her pellets are alflafa based. I think she will beok for 1 day. My thought is some hay is better than NO hay.

Thanks for the reply!
I'd give her some alfalfa, but don't let herfree-feed on it. It's pretty rich, and she may not be able totolerate the sudden change if you give her a lot. She's youngenough to be free-fed her pellets, so she should be fine without hayfor a little bit.
I know what you mean...I was shocked atMaisie's growth rate, too. It's pretty amazing to wake up inthe morning, and see that she's changed in some way or another sinceI'd seen her the night before!!

I think the cutest thing about the picture is the fact that she lookslike a little stuffed toy sitting like that. It's so cute!

TrixieRabbit wrote:
Hi and thanks,Maherwoman! I love that pic of her! That was the day we brought herhome, she was so TINY! I can't believe how FAST she is growing! She isoutgrowing her cage already!
Anyways, I went with my gut and gave her some alfalfa hay, but not alot...she doesn't get alfalfa hay on a regular basis, she gets timothyhay...bur her pellets are alflafa based. I think she will beok for 1 day. My thought is some hay is better than NO hay.

Thanks for the reply!

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