Alfalfa cubes

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We're not attacking you. On forums, it can be hard to gauge a person's knowledge of such things. People do commonly make mistakes, such as not feeding their rabbits hay on a regular basis. We are just covering the basics to make sure that you know. You would be surprised how many people are not properly educated. We're not attacking you, though, and I'm sorry if it seems that way. :(
gingers_giants wrote:
Do you just give alfalfa as a treat?
With our old foster mini-rex, we would give her about 1/2 an alfalfa cube as a treat. She still had her regular timothy, but she got that alfalfa block as a mini-treat. She got one once a week. :)
I don't think anyone is attacking you at all. Just sharing what we do. Alfalfa isn't good for full grown bunnies unless in moderation.

I personally love the cubes but have to limit the use. I think Pet_Bunny uses some sort of Timothy cube. I've been thinking of getting those as well if I can find them cheap enough.
I'm sorry if my post came across that way, it was not intended. Like Kherrmann said, we get a lot of people on here that really don't have any idea how to care for a rabbit, so we always give details in case you don't know. We don't know you or your knowlege level yet, just give us a little time to get to know you. :)
No need to be sorry. Its all just a misunderstanding. Im not mad, I was just sad. I love my rabbits like my children, and I just didnt want people on here thinking that I didnt have a clue what I was doing. I was just trying to learn more about what they should and shouldnt eat soI can have a nice well rounded diet for them. No hard feelings:)

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