Alex bit Ryo

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
i trusted my gut. the rabbits were getting alongso i put them on non neutral ground. well within a mintue they had abad fight that took me serval tries to break it up. i was prettyconfidant it would work out fine. but oh boy was i wrong

today i had them on nuetral territory and there were great the firsthour. and Alex ran up to Ryo just smelling. i didnt seen any signs ofagression and Ryo bite him and wouldnt let go. when i got themseperated i seen Alex had a pretty big bite wound. its just skin off,no missing meat. but his skin looks "clear" where if it was a tad bitdeeper he would had bled. i mean he did bleed, but barely any. i dontthink he needs a vet but i am keeping a close eye on him. poor thing...
sometimes i feel like this is a lost cause and when i let them on nonnuetral territory last night i really messed it up. should i skip a fewdays before letting them play again and then just do it for 30 min toan hr a day like before? i dont know where to go from here!
Oh, no. Watch that bite mark closelyfor signs of infection. Rabbits have paper thin skin and evensmall punctures can turn bad quickly.

You can put a very thin smear of Neosporin on it and it willhelp. Use the regular kind, not the kind with pain relieverin it.

i've already put some with the pain reliver in it.

oops! do i need to wash it off. probably too late now. i wont do it again.

should i start my bonding all over?
Don't beat yourself up. You didn'tknow. You just don't want him to ingest any. That'swhy I said to make it thin.

I would give them a break with the bonding for a few days.Can you put their cages in thesame area so they can smelleach other?
yeah there cages have always been three inches apart.

this makes me so sad. i never knew this would be so stressful!

so no need for me to give up yet?
I wouldn't give up on the bonding. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and patience, but it's worth it.

I have a male I've been trying to bond with twobondedfemales. It's been a year and they are just now playingtogether without fighting.

i hope they get it all worked out. im notletting them play together for a couple of day.s its off that they tryto lay sooo close to each othere in there cages, and even try to groomeach other through the bars. but when there out, even on nuetralterritory, no grooming, and usually a session or two of flying fur

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