BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
BlueGiants wrote:
It's good that the swelling has gone down a little. Keep an eye on her and if it gets worse, you may need to have her checked by the vet.
I use the fruit flavored Tums (they seem to like the orange kind!), but any Tums will do. If you have the plain ones, crush one up and sprinkle over her food.
How are the roads by you? I heard about the flooding out your way.
The roads aren't bad near where we are, mostly just farther south and west. We had a little water on the roads, but not so much that we can't go places.
Hah, your lucky Emily. I can't go any where! I'm trapped!

Hopefully nothing bad happens to one of my rabbits because than I couldn't take them to the vet.

But they all are healthy.
That's great that Autumn is getting a little better, sounds like you guys are taking good care of her! Good job guys!