Ahhhh!! What to do!

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YAY good news!

The pain medicine finally kicked in, and she looks like she is feeling better because of it. She's moving around a good bit more, not one seizure from pain today, and she's eating a good bit too.

She wasn't happy earlier, when I had to crush a 50mg guinea pig Vit. C tablet up, mix it with karo syrup, and give it to her with a syringe. She kept making this face like, "leave me alone darn you!" But, she has to have them given to her everday for 7 days, to treat her Scurvy. After that, she'll be feeling better, and her daily veggies and pellets will be adequate vitamin c.

However, she did scratch earlier, and created 3 bleeding gashes in her back. I put some Neosporin w/ pain relief on them, and sheisn't biting at them as much.

*Whew* I'm pooped.

Glad to hear shes feeling better!

You MUST be pooped...you really have your hands full! Hope she continues to improve...she has an excellent nurse :):bunnynurse
I just don't understand how anyone could mistreat an innocent animal,it's cruel,sad and unfair and makes me feel like i wanna cry for all these abused animals in the world(i do cry when i see pictures of mistreated animals though)i'm very sensitive.

But anyway it's so good of you to take these little piggies and give them a comfy home and the warmth of a caring heart,and the medical treatment that they so desperately need:bouquet:

Thanks guys for all the kind words, they mean more to me than y'all will ever know.

I have a lot of 'family' issues, so I tend to stay stressed. My animals are my therapy. They help me as much as I help them. :D
I'm so glad she's improving! Can we see any updated pics? :D So by the sounds of it Charlie and Emma think they've just gone to piggy heaven! All the love and fussy over by their mommy :).

Such darlings :).
Spring, I'll get some updated pics this morning. Charlie's back still looks horrible, but she is feeling much better with the pain meds. Right now she has her head dug into her huge pile of Timothy Hay, and she is working away at it. :D
Hey guys, Charlie is still moving around okay, as long as she has her pain meds in her. Her back was one huge scab, but between the medicated baths, and her scratching, the entire scab has come off. Her back is now covered in bleeding sores and exposed flesh. She looks like a burn victim. :(The vet said it'll get worse, as it's doing, before it gets better.

I tried putting a sock on her, to keep her from scratching the wounds, but it stayed on a full 3 seconds:


Here are some updated pics of her back that I just now took. Her bumblefoot is looking *somewhat* better, but it's still real inflammed, and very painful for her. But, she's a heck of a trooper, and she's doing her best to get better, little by little. :D




She is having some problems with her teeth now too. They aren't overgrown or mis-aligned, surprisingly, but her gums are overgrowing in between her two top teeth. So we're going to have to get that looked at...

That's all for now!
What a brave girl! In spite of the bleeding her skin looks much cleaner and healthier. It's so wonderful that you're caring for them.

You and your piggies will be in my thoughts!

Charlie does seem to be looking better! Her skin looks so much better! Her eyes are so bright and she's looking wonderful! :D That's fantastic! And how's little Emma? :D

Hehe I love guinea pig toes! :)
Hey guys! Little Emma is doing wonderfully. She, too, is such a little trooper even though her injuries aren't as severe. She is battling a nasty upper respiratory infection, but her antibiotics are getting rid of that.

I was SO STEAMED today you guys! I went to the pet store whereI used to work,as they are the only place in the city that has a pet pharmacy. Since my veterinarian does not carry the liquid Baytril, which the rodent's take, I get it at the pharmacy.

Well, they have been letting me buy the Baytril without a prescription since I rescue animals, and since I have two rats that have Mcyo and will be on Baytril for the rest of their lives (they're 3). They aren't doing me a huge favor, my vet said he would write me the prescription for however much I need for whenever I need it, since I run a rescue.

Anyways, I was in there earlier buying a large bottle of Baytril. I told them I'd be back in a week after I was done treating the guinea pigs, to buy another bottle since this one wouldn't last but maybe a week since the guinea pigs are taking so much. It's $50 a bottle, so they can kiss my a**.

The old hag in the pharmacy goes: "What guinea pigs?" And I explained about them. She goes: "Oh those? Yeah, they need to be euthanized. You should bring them in tomorrow to have it done. I mean, a URI, and skin infections and everything? That's not worth your money or your time! Really, just have them put to sleep. They're just nasty rodents." And the other RUDE girl back there goes, "Yeah, spend your money on better things."

Wanted. To. Strangle. Them.


I do NOT want them thinking they are doing me a favor any longer. I am calling my vet tomorrow and telling him to write me out a prescription for the Baytril. A**holes.

Okay, so she is sick. So I should put Charlie down?!?! I'm ready to go off into a rampage!!! I do NOT think so. She is doing very good, and has come so far. I would NEVER think of EVER giving her up, or putting her to sleep.


Anyhoo, Charlie is still sitting here scratching her wounds real bad. I went and bought a ferret shirt, and it still came off of her. *Sigh* I'm going to continue putting Neosporin on it, and they'll heal slowly.

Okay, that's all for now. :D
What hags! Yeah, just because it takes some sort of effort you should end the poor things life.. uh no. They didn't want to be put in that horrible condition. They didn't want to be neglected and left to suffer. They didn't want to end up like this. Why should they pay for someones lack of responsibility and respect? I would have yelled and screamed at those:censored2 and told them exactly where they should go. Like come on, you work at a vets clinic and your recommending to put an animal down because it has some cost and time with it? Stupid morons. I would have gone nuts yelling at them!
I'm so glad they are improving! Hang in there, you're doing a fantastic job :). You and your little critters will be in my thoughts.

Emma and Charlie are doing good. Emma still has the sneezes, but no congestion or anything. So, I took her off the Baytril, since it seems to be allergies.

Charlie's back WAS doing better, until she chewed a hole in her lower half. Jeeez, let it heal! No more seizues though, she hasn't had one in 5 days. She's still on her pain meds off and on, however,because she's still in a bit of pain.

Both of them are due for another Ivomec treatment today for their mites. This is the second weekly treatment, and they have one more to go.

Here are some update pictures:

Charlie's back:






Look at those beautiful girls! :inlove:

You've done such a wonderful job with them, MBH :hug:
I'm thinking of getting a pair of guinea pigs. I'd like to adopt or rescue them, but can't really find anything in my area.

Any suggestions?

I've noticed a lot of people keep them in NIC cages only one grid high with no top. Don't they jump or climb?

I've looked at the petstore piggies, but they don't look very well cared for. It's so sad. They throw them together and they fight, or they have parasites, etc.

I've wanted one since I was a child. I've just started doing my research and I really want to get a pair now.

My husband is going to kill me.

I have a guinea pig pair and I love them. Im allergic to them, but it doesn't stop me from looking after them and cuddling them. Some people are really born evil.

Guinea pigs cant climb or jump at all (bless them) so there is no need for lids on their cages. I have mine outside in a hutch and run so I need to have a lid on mine to stop anything getting in. They really are great fun pets and very easy to look after. I would never regret getting them.

I really envy you for looking after these lovely girls and I am sure they will get better quickly in your hands! They seem to be already :D
I love Petsmart- they take the best of care (well atleast the store near me) for their animals. I still don't like the fact that they sell live animals, but still. The pigs had a clean cage, a hidey igloo, hay, pellets, chew toys, and even a bowl full of fruits and vegies! (I think there was oranges, celeryI think, banana and lots of other yummy stuff). To me, this is fantastic care!

Me and my mom are still thinking about it, but I'm wondering, can they live on their own? One of the pigs was sort of being left alone (There was 3 males). I do have the pretty pig purple cage from Pebbles. I don't know, I guess it was just a crazy thought between my mom and me, but I would like to get piggies again :D.