AHH IM SICK. **Cough** ** ACHHHOOO**

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Auckland, , New Zealand
oh man since about saturday i've gotten a sore throuat and now im coughing my guts out and sneezing every few seconds argh..
To make it worse my school's top singing choir is competing on Thrusday which Im in. There's basicly no way i can go sing in 2 days time or so.
Plus I cant go hangout with the bunnies, im scared I might pass it on to them,:( :'( even though im home the whole day not going to school and i cant really cuddle with them!
I really want to get well sooner!

Wht do you do/drink/eat when you have a cold or flu to make it better?!?
Achoo! I hate being sick!

P.s im sorry for ranting like this...

:vomit: :rant: :huh2:dunno :help:in tears:
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so sick :( And don't these things always hit right before one has plans? Seems that way. Hopefully you'll be feeling better in time for the choir (you never know; sometimes even the worst of colds only last a couple of days and then just vanish).

I don't have any cure-all suggestions, but when I get a cold I drink lots of hot fluids (Neocitran is my choice of remedy) and I sleep. I find the Neocitran helps me to get rest that congestion might interfere with...knocks me out like a light, esp if I take a hot bath first and then drink the Neocitran right after the bath, within about half an hour of bedtime. Chicken soup is supposes to be a great home remedy too. And when I was little my mom used to put Vick's Vaporub on my chest at night; it helped with nasal congestion and just seemed to soothe.

Get lots of rest and take care of yourself! :hug:
i don't think you can give a cold to bunnies. i know you can to hamsters, but not buns, i'm pretty sure. where did you hear that?

and one other thing you might try is honey and lemon juice. my mom had me drink it one time when i was younger and it's really not that bad. just like 1/2 to 3/4 cup juice and 1-2 table spoon(s) honey. mix it up and keep it in the fridge. just make sure you re-mix it every time you drink it:biggrin2:

feel better soon:pink iris:!
Thanks for the replies guy =]
Oooh vicks vaporub is always good!

Lemon and honey juice im gonna go of and make that rite now lo.. anything rite now!

Thnk you so much.
Oh my. My mom just told me tonight she has a cold. I hope you feel much better soon! Best thing to do is take tons of Vitamin C. Some also say that cold cures work, such as Zicam works well to help deminish the symptoms and reduce the duration of the cold. I've used it, and it seemed to work for me;)!

And, no, you can't pass it on to rabbits.:)

Feel better soon!
woohoo! thats good to hear yay! =] im of to get my rabbits rite now:p

Zicam ay.. hmm. i'll tell dad to see if pharmacies have it here.

Thank you =]
MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
woohoo! thats good to hear yay! =] im of to get my rabbits rite now:p

Zicam ay.. hmm. i'll tell dad to see if pharmacies have it here.

Thank you =]
You're so welcome! I hate being sick! Just tell your dad to get the flavored, chewable tablets, they're still a bit gross, but better than the stuff you squirt in your nose, ugh.;)
They dont sell it here =[
But im feeling much better =]
I was back at school today but wasnt really feeling like me ( LOUD NOISY etc lol ) My thrroat really hurts ad my singing competition;s tomorow :X:grumpy:

hopefully im WAAAAAAY better tomorow.
Thnx for your help.
You're welcome!:)

Singing? Honey and whatever they said before me! I know a very good friend who is a singer, he's mentioned honey before, and I think it's lemon.

Best of luck in your competition!:highfive:
ahhh!! I got in trouble! The bunnies were inside ( they're inside as long as someone's home most of the time, but normally when we're not home they are in the deck in their hutch.. ) they chewed my dad's sound system wire rite of... and they chewed the sofa.. Im grounded great..

And thanks i normally do hot water, lemon juice and manuka honey.. am i suppose to add tea? well i'll go search on google to search hehe, what would i do without google?

Im hving sum rite now.. hehe and i added throat lollies in there to dissolve lol, just trying something new here.

hehe i told my dad about the wire and hes like aww thats okay they're little bunnies, and i was like osrry daddy lol and hes like ah dw just b careful when they're inside lol. Im such daddy's girl.. lol i guess im not grounded anymore? lol
My vocal teacher used to suggest salt and vinegar chips before the singing competition. The salt reduce throat irritation, and the oil lubricates the internal bits.

Always made me feel better (could be because I like an excuse to eat chips :D)
- eat lots of garlic, cook in your foods if you can't handle it raw
- cayenne pepper capsules
- do healthfood stores in your area carry Elderberry extract or Elderberry capsules? This is really antimicrobial and AWESOME for colds/flu, plus tastes like huckleberries.
- gargle with salt water, 1-2 tsp salt dissolved into a glass of warm water. Yes it tastes totally gross but salt is antimicrobial and can help kill out the bugs hanging out in your throat.
- gargle with hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy. Don't swallow it, just gargle and spit it out, then rinse with water and repeat a couple times per day. It is safe and antimicrobial.
- Take a lot of vitamin C, preferable buffered so it doesn't bother your tummy and back off if you notice "stuff" is coming out too quick if ya know what I mean. Can be a laxative if you take like 10,000mg in one day without working up to that amount. ;)
- Do they have Echinacea or Goldenseal in any healthfood store/pharmacy near you?
- I also really love therapeutic-grade essential oils like cinnamon, clove, and thyme.. they get rubbed on your feet and work quite quickly because they are anti-viral, anti-microbial. I've had 1 cold in 4 years thanks to these guys!

Hope this helps! :)
OMG thnx for all that =]

Im still sick but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay betta

and to let you all know, i sang at the "kidsing" and we got a silver this highschool got the gold. ( which i dnt think is fair cuz we're intermediate and they're well highschool.. ) anyways but we got the award for the best test piece.. well we were aiming for gold but hello? silver is beta than nothing.

Thnk you for all your help.



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