Well-Known Member
Oh, those of you whose young males are getting "snipped"....all I can say is lucky, lucky souls!!
I have been sprayed...and sprayed...and sprayed....and sprayed....I'm ready to tie his little rear end down so he can't "fire".
If only "Bub as father" wasn't so far in the future--it would be easierto remember why I kept the little water cannon intact!
I am so thankful that at least he isn't mounting me incessantly rightnow. He's actually pretty good about that. Thank goodness for smallblessings.
He is absolutely head over heels in love withme--unfortunately, there's another MAN in my life (well, a littleeunuch anyway...hehe...poor Fenny)....so Bub smells Fenny on me, nevermind that Fenny does NOT want me as a girlfriend, and turns into afurry orange spinning sprinkler system. Followed by much climbing overRose to smell and chin the "damage". (While he's not mounting me, hedoes enjoy flinging himself into my arms. And he's HEAVY!)
And while we're on the subject of CHINNING!:XEvery squareinch of me has been repeatedly claimed ad nauseum. And heavenforbid I should try to escape before he's finished! He launches himselfat me,wraps his furry clawed feet aroundmy arm, andhauls me back where he can finish the job.:shock:
And so this is love.....
Reminds me of those old Looney Tunes with Pepe Le Pew chasing that female cat....the epitome of the frustrated lover....
Ah, life's never dull!
Oh, those of you whose young males are getting "snipped"....all I can say is lucky, lucky souls!!
I have been sprayed...and sprayed...and sprayed....and sprayed....I'm ready to tie his little rear end down so he can't "fire".
If only "Bub as father" wasn't so far in the future--it would be easierto remember why I kept the little water cannon intact!
I am so thankful that at least he isn't mounting me incessantly rightnow. He's actually pretty good about that. Thank goodness for smallblessings.
And while we're on the subject of CHINNING!:XEvery squareinch of me has been repeatedly claimed ad nauseum. And heavenforbid I should try to escape before he's finished! He launches himselfat me,wraps his furry clawed feet aroundmy arm, andhauls me back where he can finish the job.:shock:
And so this is love.....
Reminds me of those old Looney Tunes with Pepe Le Pew chasing that female cat....the epitome of the frustrated lover....
Ah, life's never dull!