aggressive bunny

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Jul 3, 2004
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I need help!! I have a bunny, Flip, whois about 7 months old (I think). She is spayed and normally avery good bunny. About a month ago we got another (tiny)baby,Flop,hoping that they would becomebonded. NOT the case!! Flip started growling andtried to kill him the first night. Since then we have keptthem separated but whenever Flip sees Flop near her cage she startssnorting, charging the cage, and shaking it. This afternoonFlop got too close to her cage and she bit a HUGE chunk of his earoff!! How long is it going to take for them to get used toeach other? Will they ever? Also, what do I need toput on Flop's ear to keep it from getting infected? Anysuggestions would be great! Thanks
It's not always easy getting bunnies to bond, butit can happen. Especially a doe/buck bonding. I've done it twice now,albeit the first time was a piece of cake because it was love at firstsight.

It takes a lot of time and A LOT of patience. Do what you're doing andkeep them in seperate cages, but make sure you let them both out atseperate times for play so they can run around. Make sure the new bunnyis in the original bunnies outside space, so his scent can mix withhers. They're probably sniff at each other through the cage.

Now, what you need to do is get both rabbits in a neutral territory,such as the bathroom, or any other room in the house where they neverare. What I did was sit on the floor of the bathroom with both of myrabbits, with a spray bottle close by (one of the bottles you use tomist plants). I also had food and water out for them too. For the mostpart, they ignored each other, which is what you want. When Abby (myfirst bunny), tried to attack Valurien (the new bunny), I would say NO!and spray her.

I would do this two to three times a day for 20-40 minutes at a time,depending on the rabbits. Eventually they began to get along. Once Abbybegan to lick Valurien, I knew it would be ok. Now they are totallybonded, and are always playing together, sleeping next to each other,and all in all a nice bonded pair. I have a third rabbit, and all threeare in the same cage, happy.

It can be done! Just be patient and stick with it. It took me about aweek and a half to bond my rabbits and I thought it would never happenbut eventually it did.
I'd like to make the point that not all bondings work out or are possible. It really depends on the 2 rabbits!

Flip could also be going through what we call the Teen Years. Even afixed rabbit can have these spurts of bad temper because the hormonesare raging through their bodies!

If Flip is attacking through the wire, I would not quite recommendtrying to put them together in a neutral space at the moment. IMPO.

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