advice needed

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Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
wales, , United Kingdom
i`m new to this site, and could do with some help.

I have a beautiful big male rex, who was neutered 2 months ago we decided to get him a girlfriend as his headbutting was becomming a problem
and i wanted him to move to a bigger out door pen

We got the female from a farm park, as i wanted a big sized rabbit like him.
the rabbit we chose was a lop who was sharing a pen with 8 of her own babies (even though they were a bit big to be babies as such)

the 2 of them have got on great, on 5 mins of humping from amle at start, weve now had her 2 weeks and they share the same enclosure 24/7 fine.

My problem is, i went to clean out bed this morning and found a nest of her hair......

Could she be pregnat by her own babies or maybe a phantom as shes now with a strange male???
Any way of me finding out, or telling when she is due?

Also if she is, i would have to move her out of the shared cage, but not touch the nest? so she`d have to start a new nest?
i couldn`t move him as i only have a smal spare cage, and he is too big for it.

Any help about anything would be great.thanks x
Hey :D

I'm the one who pointed you in this direction. The breeders in the Rabbityr forum will hopefully be able to give you some good sound advice for how to help the mum through kindling, through having babies and weaning. Have a look in the Rabbitry forum and read the stickies :)

Good to see you here.
just want to add some other stuff i put on other site...

she`s eating more, but the past 2 days has just been lying around all day (could be the heat though)

i would prefer to move her, as she`s smaller than him and the cage is attached to big run/enclosure, which she doesn`t use as much as him.

i also wanted to know if she is pregnant by her own siblings, does this increase the probability of defects in babies.
Hi, welcome!

Good choice of breed with the Rex, but I'm biased! :p

It does sound like she might be pregnant, espeically if you think her babies were quite old.

If she is pregnant by one of her sons it's not the end of the world, breeders often use mother to son matings, it is safer obviously if you know there are no geneitc problems in the bloodline, but it happens very often with people thinking the babies couldn't breed so young etc. so I wouldn't worry about that.

You will need to remove her from the male,the sooner the better. If you have to switch hutch do it right awayso she can get settled again, if you can, move her hair into a corner. If not just give her plenty of bedding and she will start a new one. You can give her a nest box if you want, if she can comfortably fit in a shoe box and turn around, that will do, just cut a half circle out of one side to give her an easy access.

She may go off her food a day before the birth. She will spend most of her time lying on her side to give the kits room. It's a bit of waiting game really, just make sure you check her often!

i was told not to touch bedding in the nest, she has pulled alot of hair would be better to move it into other cage, after all her hard work.
will move her in the morn,

would it be ok to let her go in the run with male for a few hours each day, or best to just leave her to herself

also as i`ve had her 2 weeks, how long should i wait for babies to arrive?

You can touch the nest she has already made. She won't mind, if she doesn't like it she will ignore it and start again but she is likely to use it. Most does are fine with having their nests touched even when the babies are born although you do need to be a bit more cautious when the babies are young. Just wash your hands first then rub them on her if you want to touch the nest. She will probably let you know if she doesn't want you near it!

It's fine to let her out in the run, she still needs light exercise. As long as themale doesn't harrass her you can let them in together, but if he is going to mount or chase her around she'd be better to havesome time on her own. If you are letting her outsideyouwill need to check her oftenaswe don't knowwhen she is due.

31 days is average pregnacy,although it can vary by a few days, soshe could have them any time in the next 2 weeks.

ooohhhh i so hope it`s not a phantom, getting all excited now.

Thanks for your help, will read through all other threads and be back with any more questions and photos if she has any xx
well i woke up this morn and she had escaped, got her back in and blocked hole, half an hour later she was out again.
Have now put her in new cage with her nest and she is heavily panting?
Is this panting a sign of labour or is just just knackered from her great escapes?
Typical i have to work all day today, really want to phone in sick and be with her, but alas i cannot afford to..
I'm really glad that you got some good advice on here- Jenson is ace.

Sounds like she is stressed in some way, which could be the stress of moving, could be kindling time. She sure sounds like a pickle. I wonder if her need to escape could be to gather stuff for her nest. Make sure she has loads and loads of hay.

Update us when you can :)
She's probably just exhausted and excited after her 'adventure'.

It's a fair job but to prevent the escaping from happening in the future, you can dig around the edges of the run and put chicken wire in an 'L' shape flat on the ground about a foot down and then up the existing fence so when they did down or out, they're blocked by the wire.

My lop girl is always having false pregnancies and is really 'driven' when building her nests. (Ditto with my dwarf, but she only had one after I first got her).

Will be watching this thread with interest!

sas :bunnydance:
If she was with her sons and they were 4 month old or older, yes they could have impregnated her.

Jenson gave you good advice. Giving her her own space for now is best. And yes you can move her nest. She will arrange it how she sees fit. If you can put the nest in a box, (as Jenson mentioned) it is safer for the babies. Keeps them from crawling off and missing a meal or getting chilled.

I'm not keen on letting her run with your boy if she is ready to kindle (deliver). But you know your bunny best. Just keep an eye on them while together.

She has had a litter before and (obviously) raised them fine. So she should have an easy go of it this time.
came home to find she hasn`t bothered with her nest all day, maybe just being with a male is causing her to do this, but it could be due to heat, it`s horribly hot for bunnies today.
I think its worth keeping them separate until at leats 35 days after you got her, in case she was made pregnant just before she left. It may be she knows what is coming and is preparing, or yes, it may be a false pregnancy.

You're doing all the right things though :)
I see you're online.

*waits eagerly for news*
nothing happening, since moving to new cage she hasn`t bothered with nest just lying around all day....looking very bored & unhappy.
So was my male, put them in together for a few hours this morn and both r so happy to see each other,
now she`s sad in her own cage again.... hope it`s not all for a false alarm.
While they may be sad, you have done the right thing. If it is all for a fake pregnancy then at least you know you did the best with the knowedge you had at the time.

I wonder if its worth taking her to a responsible breeder and seeing if they can palpate anything in her?
It will depend on how good the vet is. A good breeder can palpate after 10 days or so.

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