Advice needed for 2 dwarf bunnies

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Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Hello everyone! New here...

My daughter and I have 2 dwarf bunniesthat are 4 months old (from the same litter). I'd like to keep them ina hutch oudoors during the nice summer weather. Does anyone have ideas,pictures or plans of rabbit hutches we could use?

Another question I have is that my rabbitkeeps urinating in the pellet dish.It's quiteannoying.Wedo provide a litter box which they douse, especially my daughter's rabbit.He/she seems to havemuch better manners.How can I encourage my rabbit to stopurinating in the food dishes and use the litter box?

Is it possible to house rabbits togetherin one cage if they are siblings even if they are both males? We don'tknow for certainwhat sex ours are but from comparing theirprivate parts to pictures online, they both appear to bemales...although I haven't seen any signs of danglymale bunnyparts. They both are very caring towards each other. They areconstantly cleaning each other, laying close together and exhibit manyother "mothering" tendencies towards one another.
Welcome to our crazy bunny world. Fromwhat i read bonding female to male works best then, female and femaleand then last male to male. You might want to find out the sex of yourbunnies for sure cause if i remember right if they do happen to be afemale and a male they could be making baby bunnies. Maybeafter being fixed and lots of bonding they can live together being twomales but soon they might start fighting so be careful.

Your bunny that pee's in its food bowl also uses the box? If not trysoaking it up in paper towel and putting it in the litter box, plusgetting them fixed helps with litter training alot too.

I have two bunnies who came from a shelter. Luv andRoger. They have their own cages, I just didnt have thepatience to bond them and I am happy with them just the way they are.

Good luck with your bunnies, others probably might have other suggestions.

Mine used to be that way..and we "think"..(don'tknow for sure) that they had 1 fight and one almost lost his life andjust had major surgery yesterday due to infection. Both males...samelitter gotta be VERY careful and watch them all can only take once...sometimes they'll be fine..but ashormones start to rage etc...there can be problems.

I don't have any ideas on the hutches..sorry. I just use a playpen andlet them be outside for awhile in the evenings when it cools off. Youhave to be very careful as bunnies can over heat easily and its veryhard, even deadly to them.

I'd suggest checking the first post on the forums, Top Picks,...thereis alot in here about cooling bunnies, litter training....alot ofeverything actually. Its a great place to start!

Welcome and feel free to keep asking away!
It does indeed appear theyboth are boys. Would neutering lessen the chances of fighting if theyremained together?

Yes, my bunny uses both the box AND his litter box.

Thank you for the quick responses!
Possibly, but no guarantees. I wasplanning to have mine done and have since had the one that didn't getsick done. They were only about 3 months when this happened.

Be very careful and prepared to seperate if necessary. I've been thru&%*^ and back the last 3-4 weeks with my lil guy and would hateto see something like that happen.

My avatar is actually a picture of them before that happened! I stilldon't know for 100% sure that is what happened....but I'm taking nochances and they will never be together for more than short periods ofsupervised play again.

Welcome to the forum!

Neutering would help them to get along, but there are noguarantees. Where in PA are you? I could recommenda few vets in different areas if you want. You can PMme.

If you have a boy and a girl, you could end up with babies as at 4months they would both be sexually mature. Watch out forbabies or fighting.

One of my Mini Rexes, Saphy, did the whole urinating in the food dishthing when he was a little thing. I think it was because hecould sit in the dish, he was so tiny (only about 4 or 5 weeks when Itook him in, he was orphaned). In the long run, it worked outwell because he litter trained really nicely once he couldn't sit inthe dish any more. He mostly seemed to do it when his dishwas empty.


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