Advice for a new bunny mom please! (smushy poo)

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I usually have some on hand because of my daughter...but I am all out.
I intend to go out tomorrow and pick up a few things to have on hand.

Suggestions for helpful things to keep on hand are welcome.
So far my list is at:

Pedelite-unflavored n whatnot
Bene Bac Gel?
Little Tummies

Simon has been nibbling and drinking...currently he is sleeping while I sit here staring at him...Can't sleep even though I am dead my staying awake will make a difference while he snoozes...sigh
Did you get in touch with Randy? I'd go with whatever he says.

You may have an imbalance here caused by the changes in his life and diet, butit's possible you have a more serious Coccidiosis parasite problem, the only way to tell is to get him to a vet for a test called a fecal float.

The treatment in the meantime is the same -- hay and lots of water, and if he's not eating that on his own, canned pumpkin and Pedialyte. .

The mustard greens may have been a little strong for him (none of my guys will touch the stuff) but otherwise I'm of theopinion that slowly introducing greens is okay at that age. But I'm not sure that photo is cecals and not true poop though. The excess cecal / imbalance problem does take a bit of time to totally correct, and they do normally expell their cecals at night, so that could be all it is.

But given the strong smell, I wouldn't take the chance, I'd get him in for testing.

Hope this helps!

sas :?
If the cause of the runny poop is dietary (i.e. the greens he ate), then hay should correct this. You can restrict him in his cage for a few hours just in order to eat more of it. Pedialyte will keep him hydrated, as everybody said.

PS: Just to reiterate, he needs to be kept on a high-fiber, low carb diet, so hay and water will suffice for the day or two. Don't give him oats or breads or any sugary treats like banana or carrot. The only exception really would be the Pedialyte (flavored if you have to) and the pumpkin if he's not eating on his own, that's a high enough fiber to offset the carb count, and it's a wet fiber.

A little parsley may alsoactually be good, as is mint and other herbs, they contain wet fiber and often seem to settle the stomach.

I believe Aurora369 already gave you the link to the library, but the recommended article by Pam Alley covering Coccidiosis and other Enteritis complexes problems is pretty clear and concise, worth a read. I think on the off chance he has something like that, you have to really take great pains to clean up all the fecal matter to keep him from being reinfected.

It's also important not to overtreat him, just take it one step at a time.

sas :clover:
Waking up now...I slept longer than I meant to...

Simon is covered in poo. It is on his head, his feet, just everywhere.

He is out at the moment so I can clean up the cage and he is running, binkys, acting playful, munching on the hay out in the living room and seems "himself"...

I did get back to Randy...I awaiting his reply, but for now will be calling up the vet again and stepping out to the store to buy some things to keep on hand and the shampoo Randy mentioned.

I don't understand why it would go away and than pop back up like this.....
Gut imbalances are a slippery slope, it's commonto goback and forth.

However, not to alarm you,you havea baby bunny and any diarrhea is considered an emergency.

Rabbit heathis monitored mostly by the output, not the input or level of activity. They are prey animals, theirailments remain well disguised.

After24 hoursor so, it hasn't corrected itself, so now you have to treat it like anemergency, they cango downhill soquickly.

You really need a fecal float so you know what you're dealing with.

Hope he's okay. :(

sas :clover:
Right now I have him set away in his travel box with Hay and water, I am tearing down and cleaning every thing and keeping Simon away in my bedroom with the door closed in a hope to not bother him more.

I do not have the cash to to take him till Friday, but I had a friend just call me now and offered to help me today. So I am waiting for him to get here now, should be about an hour or so. I think we will go to a different vet. Something about how the Vet didn't even get on the phone with me and had the other chick call me back as an after thought and told me to push hay...just left me not feeling sure about them at all.

Randy uses Bowman and I called them already. I know what prices I am looking at and my friend said no worries so I am thinking we might as well go there. Seems like the best bet.

I know house birds ok...and I know they are the same in that they will hide being sick from you as just part of them you could not take out the wild. With them I know to look for tail bobbing, how they stand, sit and where, how the poop looks etc...with a rabbit I just don't know.

So for now...I am going to continue my cleaning and wait for my friend to get here and than off to Bowman we will go.

Thank you all for your thoughts and I will let you know how things turn out.
I'll be anxiously awaiting the news....make sure the vet knows he's had GREEN poop....that is a major major bit of information.

TinysMom wrote:
I'll be anxiously awaiting the news....make sure the vet knows he's had GREEN poop....that is a major major bit of information.


Thank you...I might not have recalled to mention it...I am in a bit of a fluster to say the least. Took a moment to sit and calm down here....

There is more smush already in the travel box...I will bring that with me as well.

I don't know if I should bath him or not...before, after the vet or even at all because of this and I don't want to cause more problems by stressing him out further.., but he has poo all over him and that can not be healthy....

Thoughts? Should I hold off and wait for the vet to decide? Should I get it off him now?

and yes I am lucky to have a good friend...he is very much an animal lover as well and a good person with a good heart. I am not very good at asking for certain kinds of help and his offer...well...It was most kind.
I'm not a vet and I try to stay out of the medical area because I hate giving information out - I almost PM'd this to you - but decided to put it here for folks to refute since I honestly don't know that much...

It is my understanding that green poo means that the acidic content of the gut is out of balance - I'm probably not saying that right.

But it means that something is wrong with the way the gut is processing food.

I also suspect your rabbit is getting dehydrated with the amount of diaherrea/smooshy poo its having. I would hope the vet would want to do some sub-q fluids to keep him hydrated.

But I'm not a vet....the big things you want to discuss with your vet are:

a. Green poo - does this mean the digestive system is out of whack

b. Does your bunny need sub-q fluids (an IV basically) to get rehydrated?

I called back Bowman to make the appt and it would seem they have three Rabbit vets. 2 are currrently where ever they are...leaving only a Dr. Hunt who is in Surgery all day. I pressed upon the woman I spoke to my concern and they are going to have the docs team tell her about Simon and get back to me to see if they can get us in...sigh
Hey Orchid

Definitely time to see the vet if it worsened and he had nothing but hay and pellets. It might be nothing but it's important that they check that he isn't dehydrated. Hopefully they will fit him in today. If not, I suggest you pick up pedialyte and ask for a syringe at the pharmacy. Mine gives them to me for free.

I hope everything goes well. I'll be awaiting the news :rose:
I said screw it and made an appointment at the local exotic place. Randy knows them as well. They have a 3:15 for us.

I spoke to Randy and we are still going to vet and will be following both advice.
Can't thank you enough Randy...really and everyone here for your support.

Very worried about Simon now...but please all keep your fingers crossed we can get this under control and get Simon out of the woods...

I will let everyone know what happened at the vets when we get home.

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