Thank you for the well-wishes, everyone. Kashi is completely back to normal! It feels like he got better as quickly as he got sick!
I actually ended up not giving him the full course of motility drugs. They helped him loads at the beginning, got his tummy going, but honestly in retrospect, I think he would have made a full recovery after getting the sub-q fluids and daily doses of simethicone. Granted, I DID give him twice daily doses of the simethicone for three days there with the prescribed meds. The motility drugs just made me nervous because of how little we know about them. We're not even sure what parts of their digestive tracts they affect...So as soon as it seemed like he was eating and pooping like he had been before the stasis, I stopped them.
In other news, I think the episode helped us bond a little more! He sure appreciated getting snuggled while he wasn't feeling good. And Matt accepted the fact that he was going to spend two days watching his girlfriend lie on his floor snuggling her bunny boy without batting an eye. I think he finally fully realized that living with me AND my bunnies is a much different situation than living with just me. XD Which is a good thing, since he knows exactly what he'll be getting into when we live together now! Baby gates and hay on the floor and me randomly dropping to the floor on my belly to cuddle my boy are all things that will have to be taken for granted. LOL
It seems weird that this could come out of a serious illness, but Kashi is now a pretty regular binkier! I've been bringing him downstairs to my basement (which is completely finished and has no wires he can get to) for playtime, and we have a long runner carpet in the kitchen area, which takes up more than half of the entire basement (I LOVE cooking down there). Kashi has always enjoyed parking himself on the carpet near me while I bustle around the kitchen, sometimes he'll even loaf right between my feet, which makes taking a highly authentic Irish Brown Bread (aka REAL soda bread with no gross raisins), baked in a cast iron dutch oven, even MORE difficult than it already is to pull a red hot twenty pound pot out of an oven without burning your arms off. But now? He hops up to the carpet, gets himself into position at the very end of it, and takes off sprinting until halfway down the rug, and starts to do little shudder jumps and head tosses!
And we have a new game, too! He'll hop up beside me, and stand up and paw at my knee for a second, and then I turn around and kinda tickle his booty while cooing loudly in a happy voice, and he turns around and does huge binkies away from me! Turns out he's one of those buns that likes being chased.
In a much more serious note, Kashi's bout with stasis has left me feeling more confident in my rabbit-husbandry skills. I don't think I realized how much I've learned volunteering at the shelter until I had to use it. The real reason I'd been thinking about a bunny first aid kit was because I still want to get a partner for Kashi, but was worried about what would happen if the bun got sick, vet bills, how Kashi would react....but after last week, I feel like if he would have had a partner, his illness would have been less stressful, and I fully realized that he really is like my baby, and I don't care HOW long I have to make monthly payments to the vet, as long as he's happy and healthy.
Now I just have to figure out where the heck I'd stick another bun during bonding. And convince my parents that I really should get another bun.
Almost forgot-we had a Oolong style photo shoot, pre-stasis!
(He didn't nibble anything, I promise!)