Adopting my first bunnies!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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, , USA
I've finnally adopted my first bunny! I got a 6week old baby, and my sister got his momma. Although, we can't takethem home until late June, when she can be separated from her other twobabies. My bunny-to-be is pictures in my avatar.

Here is another pic of him/her(we're not sure yet)

I'm not sure. They look like they might, and her Momma's a lop. But who cares? She's still unbelievably cute.
Thanks everyone. I'm hoping to get some more pictures next week from the foster mom. I can't wait!
Isn't the whole process SO exciting??????

It wasn't that long ago Iwas all excited about getting myMonkeys home... Then they got here, and well... no i'm just kidding.LMBO!

They are my life!

You have two VERY gorgeous bunnies comming your way!

They're beautiful !

I know that you have been writing that you were gettin' a bun soon forsome time. How did you and your sister decide on these two?
How adorable! Congrats! Your bunny looks like a tinier, fuzzier version of my little Panda Bear. XP (avatar)

I hope you and your sister have an excellent time with them, from what I gather you're quite excited! :)
Cheetos mom wrote:
They're beautiful !

I know that you have been writing that you were gettin' a bun soon forsome time. How did you and your sister decide on these two?

I found 'em on Originally we were interested in two ofthe three babies, but two were already taken. The foster mom suggestedadopting Mom and baby. The mom isn't even that old, she's only two.

As for names, I think that I will keep the baby's current name, Devon. My sister still isn't sure.

You guys are all right, we are VERY excited

:4hearts: They are absolutely precious!!!:4hearts:


I showed my son the pics and he wanted to know where you live, if close he wanted to go see if they had anymore like em! LOL!

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