Acting Funny/Bad Poop (RIP Lola)

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OH NO I am so sorry. What a terrible ending to this. I am so sorry we couldn't help her and you.


I would encourage you to have a necropsy done so you can get some idea on what happened. I am so sorry.
RIP Lola~ May she binkie free at the rainbow bridge~ :cry2

Kohana you have tried your best nonetheless~ *hugs* :hug:
So sorry. :sad:

I agree that a necropsy should be performed, to find out what was wrong with Lola and to help other bunnies who may have the same issue. Hopefully your first Vet will agree to do one for free as a learning experience and something to solve a mystery.

Because the late or end stage symptoms are the same for so many ailments, there really wasn't any more to be done without serious and often unnecessary diagnostics so I don't blame the Vet for not jumping in right away with an x-ray.

I think a true blockage is a possibility. So is a hidden infection, organ issues and many other things.

:rip: Lola

sas :(

I'm so sorry that Lola passed.

In my experience, rabbits will go down hill very fast and often times there is nothing you can do.

Recently, Zeke passed away from liver failure (cancer), and he was acting fine up to about 8 hours before he died. He was a bit disinterested in his morning pellets, and a bit more tired/sleepy. By dinner time, he was having problems standing and was having serious troubles. By the time he was having serious troubles, and signs that it was more than just a gas attack, it was too late for me to get him to a vet, he passed as I was calling the nearest emergency vet.

If you do want to have a necropsy done, make sure you keep her body cool in a refrigerator. I normally have one done so I know what happened. I would have felt guilty forever second guessing that there was something I could have done, and it was somewhat relieving to know it was cancer with Zeke.

I am so very sorry that you lost Lola :(

it sounds to me like it was something very serious like kidney or liver failure and probably the loose and odd poops were a symptom of another more serious organ problem and not just a gut issue.
I think backto my bun Gabriel who had fairly sudden kidney failure( probably from being severely dehydrated as a stray baby bunny) and remember that he had bizarre loose poop during this time.

It would be great to have a necropsy because you could have peace of mind but after reading this thread it doesn't seem to me thatthe problem was really diagnosed and even if it had beenI am guessing that there would be little that would have helped.

You did everything possible for her
:(RIP Lola :pink iris:
Thank you all. I didn't even think of getting a necropsy done. I was so upset last night by the time we arrived at the emergency vet that we just went in to see if they had crematorium services. I just wanted her to be taken care of. She is being sent off today to be cremated and we will get her back in an urn in a few days.

It all happened so fast it makes me wonder if it was an organ failure. By the time she died it seemed like she was mostly paralyzed as she couldn't really move. I now wonder if the reason she didn't eat or drink was because she couldn't swallow anymore. I would've liked to know what it was but it was more important for me to just make sure she was taken care of.

I will always miss her. She really was my heart bunny and I wished we had many more years with her like we anticipated.
I am doing alright. Concentrating on trying to find a job right now. Still unemployed unfortunately. I have been meaning to message you back. Thank you for the info. I think we will go take her hay and food to the Humane Society. My boyfriend and I decided that we shouldn't get another bunny just now. He wants to get a little more settled here and I need to find a job first. Money is getting a little tight. Maybe once fall comes around we will look into it. We may come into the Humane Society to come meet all of the buns there. Thank you for your help :)

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