Accidents Happen...Didnt think it would happen to me

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The babies r 10 days old and getting active. But my question is when do they start jumping out of the nest box and when that happens what do i need to worry about or prepare for.

Also when can I take them outside to play???




wow! that video is really neat they are really cute. i love when the one ventures off the towel and flops on his/her belly, legs go right out.

i am confused about one thing though,it looks like you have been handling them since day 3 i thought that when they were weaning they should not be handled? what are you doing so that the mother feeds them do you 're scent' them?
I did always rub mom b4 i handled the babies to let her know I mean no harm, and i let her know when i am done with them too. She is a great mom it seems to me and i havent been rubbing her the last couple days since she has jumped out of the cage b4 i went to get them. I am glad tho I have been handling them cuz when i let them out to play this morning on the floor no matter how far they roamed they always came back to check in with was awful cute
Handling babies from the day they are born is very important. Counting the babies, checking them over for injury and cleaning out the nest to remove any uneaten placentas or dead babies should be done as soon after birth as possible. If the nest is not inspected, then placentas or dead babies will start to rot and will kill the babies.

The mothers instincts to care for her young is stronger than any strange scent on her babies. I try to wash my hands before handling babies, but other than that I take no other precautions. I have worked with many foster rabbits with babies, and they will meet me the same day I start handling and checking the babies. All of them have continued to feed and care for their babies regardless of me handling the babies.

Not handling babies I think was started to keep people from disturbing wild rabbit nests. A lot of people will find a wild rabbit nest, not see the mother around and assume it is abandoned and that the babies need to be rescued. So by telling people not to touch the nest or the mother won't come back or that she will harm the babies will keep people from disturbing too many wild rabbit nests. And in the case of wild rabbits, leaving the nest is the best thing to do, but again if the nest does get disturbed and the babies are touched, mom will still come back and care for her babies.

OMG cuteness over load needs to be added to the tittle.

They look good had I not got Jessi I would have taken your little girl in a heartbeat.
awwww...They are so cute and little.

But considering how old they are they arn't that little!! They look really large to me. Are you expecting them to be large like the flemish?

I wish I was close enough to steal one from you. :p
Oh my goodness they are just so precious
18 days old
Baby 1

Baby 2

I have decided to NOT keep the babies :( even tho it is sad to make this decision, it will b for the best

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