Let me jump on the bandwagon here
My name's Hollie, I'm 23 (birthday September 15th) and I live inBahrain, which is in the Middle East, in case you didn't know
I wasborn in Lancaster, England, and moved over here when I was eight.
I've been a magazine journalist for two years now, and just recentlymoved from my first magazine into a really big company that publishesthe leading magazine on the island, which is fun! Well, hard work, andlots of it, but journalism is a fun industry
I'm big on art; some of you may have seen my bears that I make, and Ialso sketch, paint and do other stuff. Cooking's good fun too, when Ihave the time for it (which is rare). I really enjoy reading... AnneMcCaffrey, Terry Pratchett and JK Rowling are some of my favouriteauthors - I also play online RPGs related to Anne's Pern series.
Other than that, I obviously love animals!
Rabbits in particular.I've had pets since I was a tiny kid (fish, mainly). Just before wemoved to Bahrain we got Peter the rabbit (a lop-eared angora, blue, Ithink) and two guinea pigs (Squeaky and Spice) - the piggies, who wethought were both girls, had four babies! At the time we had twogoldfish and a canary called Blossom, too. We didn't know at the timethat we'd end up moving to Bahrain, and when we found out we thoughtwe'd only be here for a year, so we left the pets with my uncle. And,well, 15 years later, I'm still here!
When we came over here we adopted my mum's schools' bunny, because theheadmistress didn't want her any more. She was a brown Dutch calledToffee, and she was our first house rabbit (though she slept outside atnight). I used to lie down and pretend I was dead, and she'd come up tome, thump and growl, and when I didn't move she'd run off to my mum!She'd make such a fuss until mum came to see what was wrong
Later on we got Peter as a friend for Toffee (a girl on our newcompound had loads of black Dutches living in her garden). They bothdied in a terrible incident; I got up one morning to bring them intothe house, and the cage was already open, with their nest boxpulled out and on the ground. I went in to check the house, but theyweren't there, and no-one had brought them in... then we found Peterdead at the bottom of the garden
We never found Toffee, and if myparents ever found out what happened they never told me. It was so sad
After that, we got Bobtail and Broccoli, a REW and a long-haired blackand white Dutch, respectively. Brock unfortunately died while we wereaway on holiday one year... it was strange, as I had a dream that she'ddied while I was in England, and when I came back it turned out thatshe had - on the same night that I'd had the dream.
Scruffy turned up in our garden one morning as a little baby, and wekept him in with Bobtail; he was a REW too, and he passed away after afew years. We had Bobtail until she was about 10 years old and she diedof old age.
I didn't have any rabbits after Bobtail for years, because my parents'had got a dog. So, once I moved into my house at the beginning of thisyear, I got Heather, Thistle and Bracken from the local sanctuary, andthen the others found their way to me! And now I've got those threeplus Baby Bramble, Lupin, Willow and Juniper, plus Burdock the guineapig