About diet and poops over the house :)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2014
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I wonder how much hay should I give to my dwarf rabbit 3 months old. Because if I leave hay available all day and take out her cage she poops all over the house. she knows how to use the bathroom of the cage and poops in there too. But it seems she is hungry every two hours..eats, poops, rest and asks for food again. Besides the hay I give him pallets two times per day and vegetables too.
She doesn't chew anything around the house, will be her temperament or she isImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1408065465.147010.jpg too small to chew things?
Thank you everybody in advance!

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Your rabbit is still young and growing, so he is going to eat more. Have you tried putting a litter box outside his cage?
Ok, thank you. I will try this. ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1408111902.245513.jpg
: )

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They will grow out of it eventually my bot used to poop evewhere! Onxe he got older he trained himself to only poop i. The cage abd pee on litter box :)
Firstly, rabbits should always have hay available to nibble on. In regards to the pooping outside of the cage, how big of an area are you letting her out into, and how new is she to this area? With new areas, rabbits will leave poops around in them as territorial markers until they feel they've left enough and that the area is claimed as their own. If you're giving her too much space at once that she's not used to, that can also cause litter box problems as she may not think to go back to her box to use it, this can be avoided by using an x-pen to slowly increase the size of the free roam area out from the cage, or by adding an adding an additional litter box as others have suggested.

Rabbits, although toilet trained, will also usually always leave a few poops around. Very few rabbits actually get 100% of their poops in the box 100% of the time. Bandit leaves 99% of his poops in the box, but there's always the odd few that don't make it.
Yeah, you are right. I will limitate her are a little bit more .
Thanks for your suggestion.
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: )

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