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Spring wrote:
Thanks! I'm going to look around that site :D.
You're welcome. I joined them some years ago (after leaving PETA) because rather than use intimidation etc to get a message across, they use education, and they help all kinds of animals (and, in turn, help people) worldwide.

I'm late getting back to this thread. I had NO IDEA about PETA being that way, thanks for the heads up Pam! I'll definitely do my research and change which charity I am supporting. I rescue animals from BEING euthanized, I don't support it!! :shock:

I've never liked PETA, but now I dislike them even more! Grrr! Those poor animals.... :mad:
My uncle, who is an avid hunter, made up a spoof for PETA:

P eople for the
E njoyment of
T asty
A nimals

heh heh. Wouldn't it be fun to hack into the PETA website and change it? I really can be evil sometimes... :devil
A different take on your acronym Greta.

My dad always said he's a member of a PETA faction.....

That is.....





:eats(Mostly fish and chicken) : )

I have always had problems with their tactics. There is always more than one way to support an ideal and I felt their way was not a good way. Thanks for the link, it helps confirm what I had heard.

I'm just shocked that they can go on their "Save animals, go vegan" thing and then turn around and euthanize a poor animal because they don't want to deal with it to find it a home. Sounds hypocritical to me! I still say they just like to shock people and rant.. I still believe they aren't as passionate about the well being of animals as they come across..

I remember Pamella Anderson came on think the judos or something and said "The only blood on the ice should be in hockey, not that of baby seals".. she got booed off the stage. It annoys me sometimes.. you have a situation that doesn't even include 'animals' and then you say something contevertial (sp?) like that. It's like hush up!