Hmmm... I really need a long time to fink about dis. But if Reuben's gonna squish me... Den here you go...:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bowleaseplease:leaseplease:leaseplease:leaseplease:leaseplease:leaseplease:leaseplease:
Ruby here: I'm a tiny little bun, and I kinda look like Ruben! Should I be afraid of being squished because I resemble the Great Jigglebun?! :lookaround:bow
Well your name is also similar to...He also likes to be called "Rubie" Hmmmmm I thinks that if you remain a loyal follower of the great one then he might spare you from a squishing....Might.
Indeed! You must keep trying Ruby; ask Fraggles for advice on how to grow dewlaps. I can't give advice, as manlaps are slightly different of course, and are purely muscle, but I hear pizza crusts are a good start...
Actually, small rabbits grow dewlaps better, as all the fat goes straight to the dewlaps, and doesn't get distributed over the hips. True story.