A Sign That Things Will Turn Out Well

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
Before heading out to Jersey we stopped at my inlaws to have the oil changed. I managed to get about 6ft from a wild bunny, being me I had the camera on me.
















I was like 6ft from him. If that. I was stealth like. Glad those online Stealth Ninja Classes paid off.

He is there every morning and every night. My father in law said he goes by him all the time and that bunny just looks at him. My father in law planted edible plants for him. :biggrin2:
JadeIcing wrote:
I was like 6ft from him. If that. I was stealth like. Glad those online Stealth Ninja Classes paid off.

He is there every morning and every night. My father in law said he goes by him all the time and that bunny just looks at him. My father in law planted edible plants for him. :biggrin2:
We have several around here. That is so cool what your fil did!:)
That's so cool! I can't get over how different wild bunnies look there :shock:. They are so long and lean and almost gaunt looking, with buldgy eyes. Really neat!
More than you'll ever know, thanks for posting the pics. He/she reminded me of Nacho Beeler, a rehabbed and released male rabbit who stayed by us for a while. years. A chunk of his ear was bit off in the first 24 hours that I released him... I recall very clearly the next day when I came toward the big brush pile and out he scampered with a "notch" in his ear!! Nacho lived through 1 winter and we observed him and his "friend" on many occasions. Warbles/cuterebra fly decay became apparent under his neck in the summer of 2005. Have pictures of that...
He came back to visit us last in August 2005.
For any cottontail admiring humans, there's a couple more pics of Nacho at http://www.linedgroundsquirrels.com/Commentary.html
Sorry for the direct link here as I am not savvy with the photobucket thing.

** Thank You to your Father-in-Law for planting edible plants !!! **
Our cottontails have vanished here.
JadeIcing, I sure enjoyed seeing the pics!!
Nacho knew his name and would binky toward us from the back yard, plus we watched him do courting dances with Beeler J.
Aww, Ali, he's just gorgeous. I love cottontails and other wild bunnies/hares. They have such a beautifully wild look! I'm thinking he came to tell you it was a good thing too!

TreasuredFriend, this particular picture looks JUST like Clover. She never did grow much bigger after she got about this size (teen - it still has its white diamond) but she thinks she's giant!


NOTE: Ali I just watched the video (didn't see it before) and was that a binky?! and a head flick?!? I wonder if he was a rehab - he seemed very happy with you looking at him there!

*sends Ali a tripod for her camera* :upsidedown:
Yup he was bouncing around. There are so many around here. When we go to work on Sundays at 4:30 am we see so many different kinds of animals. I usually see atleast 4-5 rabbits.
you know this makes me think i have rabbits in m y back yard and a few weeks ago i got with in 6 ft of my rabbits and was able to get pics. They suprisingly stayed put while i , nija like too, got real close i was so amazed.

I love watching wild bunnies running an playing outside and doing wild bunny binkies
Poor guy had a knick in his ear, good thing he escaped from whatever it was that got him!

Thats odd, i sorta thought I was the only one who took wild rabbits as signs.

That bun was definetly a sign, if it let you get that close!:biggrin2:
I think it looks quite different to the wild rabbits we get here. that is interesting... and it is not as cute as pet bunnies.

I think rabbits were introduced to australia by english people, so maybe it shouldn't be surprising that they look different.
Oh, what a beautiful bun! :)

I got literally less than four feet from a snowshoe hare recently (same day I got the big ol' mosquito bite...got it from standing so still, lol). They look quite a lot like that bun, but their ears are half white, half black (long-ways).

The hares here are SO brave, and seem to not have any predators, or a care in the world! We've seen them now in several places, all out in the open: at parks, in the freeway medians (how did they get THERE?!), waiting to cross the street in the middle of downtown...it's really neat!

The bun I got close to was very young...had the roundness to the cheeks that Maisie had when we first brought her home. SO CUTE!! :D

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