A sad tale :

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I got a Phone callaround Noon time today from the Exoticsplace who adopts out some of my babiesfor me . He had gotten a shipmentof rabbits in from a broaker from Penn.He had Rabbits he couldnt use ,and asked would I come up andlok at them and see If I couldtake them , I said sure , Iknew going up they were a wooled varietybut not which one , all hesaid was Angora . When I got upthere and He showed me the 2Rabbits I groaned , and Cassisaid Oh momma ! in almost a whisper, she was rocked I was rocked ,needless to say when you look at thepictures you will Imediately know why .

Please Excuse their looks andcondition I have no clue how long theywere in the Truck for the ride up. they are really Matted and inneed of complete shaving , One I know isa Doe the fawn colored one, By the time I got to the Blackone I wont Swear it is a male orfemale I did look but Anger overtook memory , I will checklater when I calm down and getthem groomed .

These kids are VERY! Skinny anddehydrated , the Black one haswhat looks like a tear in hte cornerofthe eye, and aNotched ear ,and theFawn colored one has an old tear inthe ear , it looks to behealing but will be treatedanyways.



Both Tina and I are thinkingYoung American Fuzzy Lops without lopped over ears as Yet ,If anyone esle has aclue please let me know .

Oh, poor babies. At least they are in good hands now.

I'm no breed expert, but their faces don't look flat enough to be pureFuzzy Lop. My two have very flat faces. Maybe theyare mixes? I'm sure they'll be beautiful when you're finishedwith them. Let me know how the shaving goes. I hadto cut Shadow's coat completely off to get all his matts and it was noeasy task. He couldn't handle the clippers and I was anervous wreck.


Gypsy, you are just a God Send to these littlerabbits who need someone to help them. Those sweetbabies. They are absolutely adorable. I love thatblack one. Hmmm....plans how to sneak it in with the babyPal.... LOL

:rofl:Goodness bwtween Youand Tina I am going to be Bunnynecked here before too long !!!!! lmao

well they haven't had the greatest start in live but thanks to you....they will have a very happy rest of their life :angel:
Thanks everyone , I stillneed clues as to whatthey may be, I have been looking at AFL 'S and FrenchAngoras but being babies I amnot usre I have even a breath of clue asto what and how big their going to be !

So Clueless!!!!!!
I kind of wondered about French Angora too, butI really don't know. I'm thinking that French Angora, JerseyWoolies and AFL's look similar as babies. I hope you findout. I'm so glad they found you.

I so want that black one. I don't care what it is s/he is stunning.

I'm thinking French Angora too. The only thing keeping me fromsaying it 100% is the lack of cheek fringe. Time will tell.

Either way they are blessed to have you. Adding Faith( what Iam calling the black one) and Simon( what I am calling the other onelmbo)

Gypsy, you and that big heart of yours never cease to amaze me. :hug:

They've exhausted every bit of their luck, but it got them to the right place.

Please do be careful of the herd, as you are well aware of.I'm a bit concerned about the weepy eye, but I know you have it undercontrol.

What beauties, even in the condition they arein. I can't wait to see how wonderful they look when you're done withthem. You're like the Bunny Guardian Angel!

What beautiful buns you have there, Gypsy. Eventhough they are in bad conditions at the present moment, they stilllook like little perfect angels. :)

It's also a good thing that they are now rested upon good hands!

Katy, Emmy & I
Verdict is in , The Black One Is A Female , The Fawn One is Male .

Injuries , Black One , Multiple Bites and abrasionson neck and sides ,Weepy eye NOT! eye hasbeen bitten on the eye lid , tons ofmissing and cropped hair on necksides and now bottom . this is a pictureof ONE fur Matt !


It involved 90 % of her tail as well as her bottom, what you cant see is the huge chuncks Iwas able to cut away before pullingthe Matt apart with fingernails ,this took all of 20 minutes and this is theposition she stayed in for 20 minutes!These ARE NOT Breeders these Poor Rabbitswere PETS! at some point !


Fawn Buck , Injuries include , A well healed chunktaken from his left flank, wellhealed and no treatment necessary , nolumps no bumps no heat , Verylittle matting thankfully , Rightear Bitten tru in 2 spots , wound goes completelythru and looks to be caused from a largerrabbit , inflamed and tender to touch ,hot , washed out with Peroxide , straight, and Triple antibiotic cream putinto the holes .

Right this moment I am soangery I am having a hard time controling myfingers , these 2 Rabbits weresomeones well loved pets , they are trusting andeasily tranced , extremely handable ,and the Black one willwillingly come right to me andwant cuddles and snuggling , Ihonestly cant tell if there is a possiblepregnancy at this time or not , althowhen looking at her personals , they are inflamedand swoolen as a Doe who is ready tobreed , so its hard telling , Theyboth are getting Vitamins in their waterbottle and have both beenforced with Nutri_ Cal .Poops are of normal colorand size and firmness , both are peeingup a storm and have already been thru 8 oz of water each .They are happily eating hay and pellets .If I have forgotten something please feelfree to remind me , I cant think ofeverything as Mad as I am right now .

Forgot to mention The Black one has woollike a Jersey but her ears are way to long. the Fawn ones wool is abit courser than a Jersey so I haveno clue what these are , unless a product of someweird experimental breeding . I do know forcertain the Fawn Buck is under6 months old , his chicken nuggets arenot down as yet ., and Im thinking theFemale ( Black ) cant be far aheadof himnor behind .
Gypsy, how old are they...how much do theyweigh? Jersey Woolies carry the dwarfing gene and to me theselook to be Jersey Woolies that are not carrying that gene.These will have longer ears and longer bodies and will weigh about 4-5lbs. They can still be pure Jersey Woolies...just notcarrying the dwarfing gene.

I have a couple of these "large" woolies as they are great mothers(can't have peanuts). Very glad that you rescuedthem.....GREAT JOB!!!

Sharon they dontlook to be over 6 months old ,the Buck hasnt dropped yet . I didntthinkto get a weight on them butwill tomorrrow . Holding theblack female I wouldguess around 2 maybe 2 1/2 lbs . Sheisthe lighter of the pair

I should also mention these twoare severely under weight I can feelevery last bone in their little bodies . .

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