Well-Known Member
I have a really imporatantquestion that I have been wondering rabbits get killed forthere fur? Or do they just cut there fur off and let it grow again? Iwas shopping yesterday and I saw this pink fur coat...and well...ITHOUGHT it was fake but when I tried it on...and felt the feltlike my rabbit:shock:I took off the jaket and ran to one ofthe cashiers to ask if it was real or not....THEY SAID YES!!!!!:shock:I WAS SOOO MAD!!!:X I don't know how many times I was yelling "OH MYGOD! EWWW!" The jacket didn't have any skin (suede) on it just had rabbit fur stuck on to a sweater. Do you thinkthey killed a rabbit for that jacket? Or just shaved a rabbits fur offand stuck it onto a sweater? It is just really bothering menow
I am never putting on a fur jacket again! AND DEFINETELYNEVER GOING TO BUY ONE!!! Its sooo unfair for animals!:XI'veseen some stores with real snake skin belts also
Itsterrible:XHere is a picture of the pink furjacket:X