A response to clarify

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
In a recent post, by a member who was banned, this poster referred to my two handicapped rabbits in the following manner:

>>>I find it funny that someone else onhere is allowed to post about a blind, deaf, >>alergy,snuffles infected rabbit thats being inhumanely kept alive.

Pandemonium and Fenwick are brother and sister, purebred Holland lopsthat are aflicted with genetic defects. Fenwick is four years old, andhas been very sensitive to dust and pollen since he was a year old. Itcauses snuffles-like symptoms when the weather is dry and dusty, andis not and has never been contagious. He is otherwise healthy andhappy, with quite a personality.

Pandemonium is also four years old, happy, healthy, sweet, and loving,affectionate and outgoing. She loves people and is in glowing health.

She also happens to have been born deaf, and developed cataracts at theage of 2. This does not slow her down in the least, as she can stillrun, jump and play. She has to learn where her dishes are, but if hercage is arranged consistently you would never know she's blind. Ihandfed her as a tiny baby, and, she adores attention. Fenwick alertsher when I'm coming, and a thump on her cage gets her attention.

These are the two in question.





If anyone still thinks my treatment of them is inhumane, please state so politely and I will further explain.

Thank you all in advance for your respectful consideration,

I see nothingInhumane about it Rose ,I am Like you , fullfill their needs on aconstant basis , love themdearly , and yes they can be fullfilledand have a normal life , nothing Inhumane theregeesh ,

OBTW!! to all who have never had thepleasure of having a blind baby , BlackStar is litter trained at8 weeks old and Starla hereyes has been the one toshow her where to leave her deposits, This all started ONE week ago when I putthe litter box in with them, So YES even the blindbabies can lead happy normalclean lives!!!!
gypsy wrote:
So YES even theblind babies can lead happynormal clean lives!!!!
ABSOLUTELY!! I mean look a Nimue, he isblind, and by all of his picture you wouldnt never think he was. Goodjob with your bunnies Rose, keep up the good work! :D


You are a great bunny mommy!

SO many people would just abandon or bring the special little ones to ashelter, and not care for them because it is too much money and work.You are so wonderful for caring for these little ones
Don't letan getyou down, Rose. We know what your heart is made of.You've gone 100 extra miles for all the animals in your care than mostever would.

Don't change a thing about what you're doing, and CERTAINLY don't letsomeone who's had many problems through the years with authorities, thetown, etc. with relation totheir rabbitsmake youbelieve that you aren't doing right by your rabbits. She'sadmitted to it herself on the forums throughout the years.It's no new news. People who live in glass houses shouldn'tthrow stones, but some of the fools do.

Let it roll like water off a duck's back. Life's too short, and that one isn't worth it.


mycadbury is blind!!!! i couldnt imagine putting himdown, unless i told you he was you would neverknow!! he gets along great is and loves attention and kisseson his nose!! i couldnt ask for a better bun and to think ofputting him down because of this is unthinkable! we need morepeople out there who will take care of these buns when no one elsewill
I have read about your bunnies and find that youare a special person to take on a rabbit or rabbits with specialneeds. It takes a very dedicated person to take care of thesebunnies. I myself have a rabbit who was born with all fourlegs but when he was 4 months old, he broke one of his rearlegs. $400 later and I am now the proud owner of athree-legged rabbit! He is even a father although he needed alittle help...lol. My point is that anyone on thisboard that has a special needs rabbit HOORAY! I am a greatsupporter of this as long as the rabbit is not allowed tosuffer. And I see none of that here!

you are doing nothing wrong. in fact you are doinga goodthing because too many people would just give up on a handicapped rabbit

I said it on the other thread and I'll say itagain. I do not think a handicapped animal should be put downunless it is unhappy and in pain. Your rabbits are obviouslyhappy. Ignore the offending poster, it sounded like she wastrying to upset you.
I agree with everyone, your obviously doing afantastic job taking care of handicapped rabbits. *round of applause*.I think i sound dumb for asking but what are cataracts?
"A cataract is a clouding of the naturallens, the part of the eye responsible for focusing light and producingclear, sharp images. The lens is contained in a sealed bag or capsule.As old cells die they become trapped within the capsule. Over time, thecells accumulate causing the lens to cloud, making images look blurredor fuzzy. For most people, cataracts are a natural result ofaging." ..you know when you look at older people and they havethat blue haze to their eyes?

There is nothing wrong with having a handicapped bunny...in fact youcould almost say they are not, because you make up fortheirdisability...the same for Starla, Nimue(who I know I'veheardbefore is blind but Im still in disbeliefoverit b/c you certainly CANT tell by the pictures)..and whois that in the snow, Fenwick? He looks like a little lion...certainlynot a bunny you could look at and classifyas inhumanly keptalive!! Keep up the GREAT work .. just think of thesecomments as bumps in the roads...something you would walk over w/o asecond thought :)
Your bunnies are beautiful and obviously wellcared for. The comments made about your special rabbits wereextremely immature, spiteful and designed to make you feelbad. Don't let it! There is something very crueland inhumane about people who think that less than perfect or aged petsand companions are to be disposed of like yesterday's garbage.

One of my happiest moments was helping a friend from another stateadopt a very special handicapped bunny in Ohio. Here is partof the story on the Buckeye House Rabbit web site. We had amulti-state, 2 country get together in my back yard to celebrate theadoption.


Some months later, her handicapped sister was adopted by another friend


Your heart is in the right place to care for your special bunnies and I greatly admire you!

No need to clarify, Rose. We know you take thebest care of your herd. Pandamonium is such a little lovebug, and thosepictures of Fenwick in the snow are testament to how happy they are. Ihave the greatest respect for you and all that have and care fordisabledbunnies!- Jan
They aren't handicapped or disabled... they arespecial, and god made them special so people like you would find themand love them more than any other bun on earth!! They are beautiful andhappy. Just becuase they can't see you or hear you doesn't mean theydon't know that you love them more than anything in the world!! Morepower to you girls/guys with the speical babies!!

I totally agree. You don't see blindpeople committing suicide en masse because they're blind.Instead, they adapt to life with a disability. Same withbunnies.
WOW, you all!!! Thank you so much for all your support!! Love the stories about otherspecial rabbits, also.

You folks are awesome. :D

Speaking of handicapped bunnies: a very funny blind/deaf bunny story....

The other day Pandemonium fell asleep with her rear endfacingthe front of the cage. I thumped on the cage to wakeher--she leaped up, ears and head pointing forward expectantly, waitingfor treats.......

facing the back wall of the cage!:p

I poked her in the butt, and she whirled around with an expression thatsaid, "Mom! How'd you get back THERE?? Where's the goodies??"



rabbitgirl wrote:
Speaking of handicapped bunnies: a very funny blind/deaf bunny story....

The other day Pandemonium fell asleep with her rear endfacingthe front of the cage. I thumped on the cage to wakeher--she leaped up, ears and head pointing forward expectantly, waitingfor treats.......

facing the back wall of the cage!:p

I poked her in the butt, and she whirled around with an expression thatsaid, "Mom! How'd you get back THERE?? Where's the goodies??"





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