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It sounds like a lot of people on the forum don't feel they have many friends.

I know I feel very lonely on this forum, maybe we need more things to try and get people socialising more and communicating with more people.

I have some ideas (I had to cultivate people socialising with each other when I ran an internet team), so if people are interested in stuff like this, just say, and I'll get some stuff started :)
Flashy wrote:
It sounds like a lot of people on the forum don't feel they have many friends.

I know I feel very lonely on this forum, maybe we need more things to try and get people socialising more and communicating with more people.

I have some ideas (I had to cultivate people socialising with each other when I ran an internet team), so if people are interested in stuff like this, just say, and I'll get some stuff started :)
I feel a bit lonely on the forum aswell! I think thats a great idea Tracey :)
I love to talk everyone should know that by now!:biggrin2:

Ok seriously I have all my instant messengers in my profile cause I love to talk. So feel free to add me.

Those who have issues beyond the normal when it comes to people I don't care. My brother is bipolar and a whole mass of other things. I know not to take things personally. I myself suffer from bouts of depression and am bipolar.

I am not on as much but I am here. I have a ton of friends from here. Though some don't consider me as a friend cause they seem to think I don't think of them as friends.:?

I will say this suffering from depression there is times where I don't talk as much. PLEASE people don't take it as I don't like you. Also I have 7 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs, a dog, a skink, a gecko and a husband. I work full time. I do spend a major portion of my time with them.
I, for one, don't think anyone is a bother if they want to talk. I love talking to people about rabbits, but since I don't really have the time for chat rooms or IM I just don't always get to know people on the forum very well. I also don't have as much time to chat in the blogs and such as I used to. Honestly I'm probably closest to the rest of the Mods just because we pm back and forth a lot about forum business and we also vent to each other when we are stressed. It helps us "behave" more when typing out responses that everybody will see if we know we have other people we can swear at or cry with if we need to.

As for non-Mod friends, I think it's mainly just people that live near me, especially those that are involved with Soulmate Rabbit Rescue. The only people I've met in person have been through transports/rescue stuff. I've never been good at reaching out to people, so I tend to stay pretty quiet.

One thing I would like to say is that I'm considering hosting a bunny party at my house next summer. My house is too small to do much in winter, we'll all be stepping on each other's toes LOL! If someone actually has time and space to do an RO meet-up in their own area it would be great! Or even if you want to meet at a shelter and help each other with nail clipping, socializing, and such. There's an RO member in my town that I'm hoping to do that with. Really, bunny people are so cool and it's a lot of fun to be able to meet them in "meat space" instead of just on the computer!

When I'm on here I'm usually sleep deprived so I tend not to respond to posts. I just tell myself I'll post when I'm more awake so I make sense. Unfortunantly by then I have so much to do in real life I don't have a chance to return to threads I want to.

Some of the threads are so well structured, answered and resolved that I don't think I have much more to offer than whats been said. At times I try to ask a related question in a thread like that, but it's either played out and I don't get responses, or I forget to go back and look for them.

A lot of what I want to ask, too - I can just do a search for and look up. I'll read threads that have subjects that interest me because I may have the same or a similar question and they usually have a wonderful library link in it - but I freeze from there because I don't want to feel like I'm beating a dead horse by asking questions on a subject that has already been covered and links were provided for.

I enjoy the forum quite a bit and usually am on here more than people may realize, but I'm reading more than posting. In one sitting I read each and EVERY thread on the rescue board (lol) and learned quite a bit about others but in all that time I didn't contribute much, other than to mark several as *resolved*.

I'm a very task oriented person, give me a job - I can do it. Socially though, I guess I'm lacking. I work with people ALL the time, deal with the public ALL the time. Both jobs I have are stressful and demanding so I guess when I have time for *me* I tend to shut down.

There are some wonderful people here- funny, whitty, helpful, serious et al. I love it! A lot of you guys refer to each other by first name in posts which IS neat, but I can never remember who is who and I get lost easily.. :privateeyes

I don't really feel that I know anyone here well, but the fault is really mine. I've been pretty quiet for the most part, I think - and I have a terrible time remembering to return PMs!

I was gone for around a week and I received a few PMs asking if I was ok or if I needed to talk.. You guys are wonderful!

Real life these last few months has been crazy and though things are slowing down the Holidays are practically *here* which means I won't be on much until after then.

Maybe I should make a resolution to get to *know* people here better in the new year. :biggrin2:

Flashy wrote:
It sounds like a lot of people on the forum don't feel they have many friends.

I know I feel very lonely on this forum, maybe we need more things to try and get people socialising more and communicating with more people.

I have some ideas (I had to cultivate people socialising with each other when I ran an internet team), so if people are interested in stuff like this, just say, and I'll get some stuff started :)
That does sound likea great idea!!! That would rock!:biggrin2:
naturestee wrote:
One thing I would like to say is that I'm considering hosting a bunny party at my house next summer. My house is too small to do much in winter, we'll all be stepping on each other's toes LOL! If someone actually has time and space to do an RO meet-up in their own area it would be great! Or even if you want to meet at a shelter and help each other with nail clipping, socializing, and such. There's an RO member in my town that I'm hoping to do that with. Really, bunny people are so cool and it's a lot of fun to be able to meet them in "meat space" instead of just on the computer!
Ooo a bunny party would be a great idea to do. Get together with a bunch of RO people in your area. I believe I have at least 5 people within an hour driving distance from me.
I know some folks will laugh - but by nature, I'm a VERY shy person. When I first got rabbits, this place was a lifeline for me and I practically lived here (still do at times). I think I used to have more friends on here than I do now. But I got burned by trusting someone who then turned around and talked about me behind my back to more than one person...and I think that sort of made me shut down and not want to seek out friendships here.

This thread has made me realize that while I have been hurt...I have to open myself up again - even if it does mean risking being hurt.

I used to be more active in blogs and I think that helped me to build some friendship - I would interact with others (and read about their families and their rabbits) and feel close to them.

I do feel really close to a couple of people ~ somewhat close to a handful of others ~ and see "potential friendships" with a few others in addition to that.

Perhaps for 2008 I should have as one of my resolutions...to try to be more active on a one on one basis with folks here. I used to PM more and I found that helped build relationships too.

I guess I'll think about that for a bit...

i think that i have a mix, i have only met one forum person before, and only talk to a few by pms.

my year has been hard, really hard, and certain members have really helped me get past a lot of issues. it has been a god-send. i wish i could meet certain members in person, sadly that won't work in most cases as they live across the country.

when herman passes, i got so many pms that helped me get through it, and i hold them dearly to me still.

i am ALWAYS open for talking, emails, ect, no problem. . . i understand feeling shy, as someone the suffers from social anxiety problems i completely understand, but i am more then willing to just talk with anyone!
I'm not really close friends with anyone on here. It may be due to the fact that everyone here, except maybe one or two people, are so much older than me, that I can't really connect with anyone. I do talk to people sometimes through PMs and emails, but I can't really say I'm close to anyone on the forum.

Then again, I can't really say that I've been myself very much on this forum. I'm sure that, if I was, many of you would be rather scared, as I am awfully random and hyper. I mostly display my more "serious" side on this forum, which doesn't actually come around very often, to be honest. But I'm still the person who one of their main goals is to poke a penguin, and who put a cap sideways on a horse's ear, then runs around in circles and starts laughing hysterically on the ground while all my friends try to decide if I'm choking or not ... yeah.

I do try to be nice to everyone on this forum, though, and be helpful, even if I don't exactly see them as friends. I would like to get to know some of you better, though, but mainly the "younger crowd", as I can't say I would really be able to relate to some of the adults on this forum. Occasionally I'll be looking at someone's profile and just say "Oh! Look! She's into horse riding and writing and seems about my age", but I don't want to actually contact someone for fear of being a bother or annoyance.

Hmm ... This has become a bit more of a rant now. I think I'll stop.

It seems a lot of people here alienate themselves for the fear of bothering others.

But besides the animals..I don't think I have anything else to talk about with people.

My interests include serial killers (I named my cat after one), Vietnam (but mostly the war), WW2 in Japan and Europe, RTS games...and that's about it. But at the same time..me and Errik share basically no interests besides gaming so I wonder how we manage to find things to talk about! :p I'm still trying to figure out how me and Rosie manage to keep conversations lol but I guess we do talk about the animals a lot.

I'm anti-social really. I love the ones close to me but hate the ones that aren't. I would love to have a job with no real human interaction. I'd work with animals but then I gotta deal with the owners.

Edit : Well my aim and yahoo im is both dahmer8urface (and you know how to pm me). Come talk to me if you want :p I'm horrible at keeping a flowing conversation so please don't expect one. Sometimes I'll go off and completely forget we were talking. Just a thing I do so please don't take it personally. And here's a conversation starter : Tell me (who you are first! lol) what your dream job would be if schooling wasn't required, you were guarenteed the job, the pay was wonderful and there would be no difficulties.