Well-Known Member
As a new flemish owner I am wondering if any ofyou kept track of your flemish's weight at certain ages such as 8weeks, 3 months, 6 months, etc. I am curious of what rate ofgrowth I should expect of my little guy. I'm not totally sureof his age as I was given conflicting information from the breedersthat I bought him from at the rabbit show. I was told 4 weeksby one of them and 8 weeks by the other. I'd say he isapproximately 3 pounds at this point, so I am wondering if that wouldmake him 4 or 8 weeks. It seems like that last pound hashappend in the 5 days that I have had him. Look at themonster back feet on this little guy...
My other 6 rabbits are not caged , nor do they want to be caged, butBen likes the security of a cage so I bought him a 36L-24W-27H dogkennel yesterday. I keep the door open except at night but hespends a large part of the day in his cage. When he is out ofhis cage if the least little thing scares him he runs back to his cage.
the only problem is that his naughty brothers and sisters come into his cage to steal his food.

My other 6 rabbits are not caged , nor do they want to be caged, butBen likes the security of a cage so I bought him a 36L-24W-27H dogkennel yesterday. I keep the door open except at night but hespends a large part of the day in his cage. When he is out ofhis cage if the least little thing scares him he runs back to his cage.

the only problem is that his naughty brothers and sisters come into his cage to steal his food.