A photo of Fiver

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I was taking pics of some photos in my photoalbum to send to my son (since I don't have a scanner), and came acrossthis one. It's not great quality, but I thought I'd post it here toshow you guys one of the bunnies I used to have. This was taken back in1980, and this little fellow was Fiver, one of my blue-eyed Polish. Hewas definitely one of my 'heart-bunny's; gentle as a kitten andextremely sociable. I used to show him and a few others at the NovaScotia Rabbit Breeders' Association Spring and Fall shows, and healways did well. He repeatedly hopped away with BOB for Polish wheneverhe was on the show table, and won Reserve Grand Champion at the peak ofhis show career. Sadly, I lost him to wry neck when he was still young(even the vet cried when the decision was made to end his suffering).

I hope the picture is clear enough to see...it's very old and was takenwith a cheap camera - almost 27 years ago now. Gosh, I still miss mylittle sweetheart...


Im sorry to hear about that..I feel yoursorrow,im not sure whether to really bond with my rabbit or not,imafraid of losing him in the future and i will go nuts as if ive lost afamily member.

but your rabbit is beautiful..like the pure white fur
I'm sorry that you had to lose him. You'llalways have those wonderful memories though.:pink iris: :rip::pinkiris: He was certainly very beautiful.
Oh wow,Fiver was gorgeous!....what a champion!! :)

Fiver like from Watership Down? That's my favorite book. The logo for my rabbitry is based on ''The Black Rabbit of Inle' ''.

I'm sorry about your bun. I just lost my Belgian to wry neck a fewmonths ago. H only had him for 2 months. I spent a lot of cashes on vetvisits and meds. Its a shame not a lot of medical advancement researchis done for bunnies.

Thanks everyone...even though it was a very longtime ago, remembering the pain of losing Fiver came flooding back whenI looked at his picture. I guess that's something we never forget, nomatter how much time has passed.

JAK, I'm so sorry to hear you lost your Belgian. :( They are such abeautiful, elegant breed. Sometimes these guys come into our lives justlong enough to touch our hearts, and then they leave. But no matter howshort a time they may have been with us, they can affect us so stronglythat we will never forget them.

And yes, Fiver was named after the infamous Fiver in Watership Down. Iwatched the movie when it was first released, and it affected medeeply. When I began getting interested in purebred rabbits, awonderful man in NS - Arnold Higgins - brought back a blue-eyed Polishwith him from a show in the eastern U.S. He sold that doe (Calloptan'sJangle) to me, then promised to pick up a buck for me on hisnext trip a few months later. That's how I became involved in breedingBEW Polish...and as it turned out, I was the only one in NS to havethem. People had REW and chocolates, but no BEW. Fiver was out of thefirst litter my doe had. As he matured he reminded me so much of littleFiver from Watership Down...as if he had some sort of magical qualityto him...and that's why I gave him the name. :)

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, andwhen they catch you, they will kill you... but first they must catchyou."
I so quote tht movie all the time! I'm glad i'mnot the only Watership nut here. I have two versions of the movie andthe books and i'm just such a flippin' fanatic. Someones I randomly IMpeople and start quoting the movie front to back until they get annoyedand ask me double you tee eff i'm talking about.

"You and your darn rabbits"

Your polish is sooo pretty. I've never been a polish fan...but I cansee how he's....different. Just something special about him. I wouldcuddle that one.

I recently picked up a blue-eyed dutch. He makes me think of her. Ididn't want her, I didn't want her, I didn't want her, I enteredtheraffle for her and won her and I was thrilled to death. Then I foundout she was crazy. So I spent a week taming her. Now we're best friendsand I love her dearly. Her name is Cymry....after a blue-eyedhorse-like creature in a book series I read.


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