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New Member
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
Glasgow, , United Kingdom

Well howdy all, I am new to this forum and my aim is to get to know and make new friends and also learn and share advice and tips about my loved hobby. I live with my family in Glasgow, Scotland and as a family we are involved in the breeding and showing of our, Netherland Dwarfs. Some or all may be familiar with specialised breeding associations within the UK? I am an active member of the BRC, The British Rabbit Council and also a registered member of the, Scottish Rabbit Club. Our registered Stud Name is, Megabucks Stud and we also have our own bunny website at [url]http://www.freewebs.com/sevendwarfs[/url] Please feel free to visit.Finally feel free to give me a buzz and I assure you all I don’t bite.

Best wishes,


WOW!! thank you all for your nice welcoming. Its great to be here and as quoted in my above post, I'm looking forward to making lots of new friends. Once again, many thanks and its a pleasure to be involved on a forum were you are appreciated and made to feel welcomed....;)Some of our so called forums should come on over and take a lesson from you all.
WOW!! Bluegiants..... Thats a cracker your holding. I have always wanted to have the opportunity to work with the, Giants? However my partner who incidentally happens to be, American has put a Vito on...:nonono: this for me at this precise moment of time.....:(She is a real hard liner.....LOL
Welcome to RO, Andy!:wave: Aww I love Nethies, so cute! :D

I thought of Polly as well, she's scottish too. :)
Hi Andy, nice to see you joined. Hope you enjoy it and yes as you say they are a lot more friendly than some of the other forums ;)

Get yourself posting in the rabbitry and have a wander through the posts. You will find loads of interesting info on here.

Now how's about getting a few pics of your nethies up for all to see :biggrin2:

Pollyx (cinabun stud)

And thanks guy's I actually gave Andy the site so he could get as much info and help as Ihave had :D
Hi Andy, nice to see you joined. Hope you enjoy it and yes as you say they are a lot more friendly than some of the other forums ;)

Get yourself posting in the rabbitry and have a wander through the posts. You will find loads of interesting info on here.

Now how's about getting a few pics of your nethies up for all to see :biggrin2:

Pollyx (cinabun stud)

And thanks guy's I actually gave Andy the site so he could get as much info and help as Ihave had :D
Hi and Welcome! You really must get photos up quickly as I just love the ND's! Such silly little buns they are! You'll meet tons of friendly people and hopefully find and trade ideas.. Enjoy!

Julie and Baxter!

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