Well-Known Member
RaspberrySwirl wrote:

Good GRAVY! :shock: I can't believe that he atethat much of that shoe. Glad to hear that so far things areprogressing well.
Also, I can't believe how much he has grown. That pic of him by his food bowl speaks volumes!
I just saw this thread just now and I got scared all over when I firstopened it. Now that the crisis has passed I canlaugh. Sebastian really turned this whole situation around tohis benefit! LOL! My sweet baby.4 more poos - munching onpellets, oatmeal and hay like it's an all you can eat buffet....I'mbeginning to feel a little bit used here. :X
Good GRAVY! :shock: I can't believe that he atethat much of that shoe. Glad to hear that so far things areprogressing well.
Also, I can't believe how much he has grown. That pic of him by his food bowl speaks volumes!