A little help please

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RaspberrySwirl wrote:
4 more poos - munching onpellets, oatmeal and hay like it's an all you can eat buffet....I'mbeginning to feel a little bit used here. :X
I just saw this thread just now and I got scared all over when I firstopened it. Now that the crisis has passed I canlaugh. Sebastian really turned this whole situation around tohis benefit! LOL! My sweet baby. :)

Good GRAVY! :shock: I can't believe that he atethat much of that shoe. Glad to hear that so far things areprogressing well.

Also, I can't believe how much he has grown. That pic of him by his food bowl speaks volumes!
what the.. sorry, my post ended up on the wrongpost! .. weird..on this post though.. my bunnies havent eaten my shoesyet.. they just like to throw them around :D
update- things arejust fine around here! My sister dropped by this morning and ask whySebastian was penned up in the kitchen....I didn't have the energy toexplain. :?When she picked him up he started kissing herface! She started laughing, she couldn't believe a bunny gave kisses!Another close call on the bunny forum...whew!
Thank God things are 100% Raspberry.

That wasfrightening.

So glad our baby's okay.


Raspberry, I've just seen this post. Thankgoodness our little boy is OK. However, I reckon that you may findthose bits of flip flop hidden somewhere - I think our 'sweetSebastian' knew what he was doing, to get some treats, and pushed allthose pieces somewhere - like Stephanie said, he does look a little TOOinnocents - Jan

ps. Hope you and your little girl are feeling better today

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