A funny story that happened to me today...

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
Today in my bedroom (here at Peg's), I wasenjoying a banana and passing out a few small peices to my bunnies. I thought I heard the dog walking into my room....

Whenall of a sudden Tiny came charging into my bedroom at full speed searching for a banana :shock:!

He must have smelled it all the way down the hall.

It took a peice of banana, a handful of fruit loops, and Peg's pushing......just to get him out of my room :biggrin2:.

oh that is so adorable and hilarious....my bun is very serious about his bannans too!! He can be lying in the bedroom under the bed and i will go to the kitchen to get him a piece of banana and he'll come out nose twitching and looking arround...hehe cute buns
That's really sweet. I can just picture it :D
What was funny to me was that I heard Amy talking to someone in her room (normally she's pretty quiet) and I was going that way to tell her something (thinking she was talking to her rabbits) when I see her talking to Tiny and while she wasn't saying "shoo.." it was something like that....

Tiny doesn't listen to words...he follows actions. So you can't tell him to leave - you have to PUSH him (gently) to leave. Sorry - but at his weight - he figures he's the boss.

But it was funny to picture Tiny charging into Amy's room - seeing how he'll come running out when he smells me eating a banana - I can sort of guess how it looked...

LOL :biggrin2:that must have been so funny - I can just picture it :)

Sorry to ask but are you two related (Amy and Peg) or friends? You don't have to asnwer if you don't want :)
We're just friends. Amy needed a place to crash for a bit and we've been friends on the forum here since shortly after she joined. With a lionhead like Maddie and now Marlin (sp?) who could resist a visit to "Lionhead Land"...


The only problem (in Tiny's eyes) is that he lost his bedroom to Amy and her animals. So when he smells banana in there (one of his very favorite treats) - he feels it is his right to run in....

Especially when there are bananas in there....sure am glad he didn't smell the craisins she has in there...

Mollz wrote:
Poor Tiny lol :DI guess in his own mind its still his room ...

I wonder if Tiny will fit inside my carrier on the plane :shock:. Ryan said no to a another "normal" sized rabbit, no to a 30 pound rabbit, but he didn't say anything about a middle sized rabbit ;).

Tiny has actually been sulking the last few days. At first he hung out here in the living room/dining room area......but lately he's been hiding out in Robin's room and the end of the hallway - but I did catch him in Miss Bea's earlier this morning when I came out here and he didn't know I was up yet.

I think he's trying to make me feel bad that he got displaced but I've told him to "deal with it" and move on. He's a big boy....

Giant bunnies are the BOMB! LOL I wish I could meet Tiny, he sounds so cool. I bet him and my Sally would get along, she thinks she is in charge too.
On second thought, mabye that wouldn't work so well.... Mabye he would get along better with Sammy or Skitter, those two guys are really laid back.
Ok folks...now it is time to hear the Bunny's side of the tale.

Here I am - napping down at my new end of the hall...when I smell one of my most favortisest treats....BANANAS. As Amy saw last night - mom says "Banana" and my ears stand at full height..and thats just at the word...let alone the smell.

So I go running down there. I wasn't at full speed ('cause its like a maze in there with the different bunny cages and I didn't want to run into anything). But I was pretty fast 'cause I didn't want to miss out on my banana by having Amy give it to the other rabbits thinking I wasn't interested.

I have to say Amy is right about one thing - she was handing out SMALL pieces to her bunnies....why - I can sometimes con mom out of 1/2 of a banana if its a small one.

Still yet, I thought Amy was offering me a peace offering since she'd STOLEN my room. So I figured I'd take her up on it.

Mom however felt like she had to "up the ante" for the peace offering by offering me fruit loops. That left me torn...do I hold out for more? Grab the fruit loops and banana and run? Before I could make up my mind - I got picked up and carried away.

So now you know .... "The rest of the story"

The BunFather

P.S. This is my 100th post. Not bad for a bunny!

undergunfire wrote:

Today in my bedroom (here at Peg's), I wasenjoying a banana and passing out a few small peices to my bunnies. I thought I heard the dog walking into my room....

Whenall of a sudden Tiny came charging into my bedroom at full speed searching for a banana :shock:!

He must have smelled it all the way down the hall.

It took a peice of banana, a handful of fruit loops, and Peg's pushing......just to get him out of my room :biggrin2:.
bananas are like bunny crack around my house... my youngest daughter ate a banana and then she picked up Ivy... she was going crazy trying to find the banana in my daughters mouth... it was so funny

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