A Friend for Devon

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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, , USA
Since Amber passed over three weeks ago, Devon has seemed quite lonely. Even though he is acting mostly like himself, he sits all day looking bored and alone. We’ve been giving him tons of extra attention, but I don’t it is an adequate substitute for another bunny – a true 24 hour companion. He and Amber spent so much time together that I don’t think he knows how to live alone. In fact, he has never lived alone before, save for the short time between his reaching sexual maturity and his neuter.

Even though the decision was hard to make, we decided that we owe it to Devon to bond him to another companion. I also feel like we owe it to Amber. We have the resources to care for two rabbits, so why not give another bunny a loving home in her memory?

After contacting a few area rescues, we’ve set up an appointment to take Devon for some bunny dating tomorrow. We have our hearts set on Nutmeghen ( http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=10580824 ) because of her amazing story. However, we know that this is really Devon’s decision. So we’re going to let him guide us to choosing the right companion; I know that we will love whatever bunny we end up with. The woman who runs the rescue said we can take home a companion tomorrow if he finds one. Of course, she’s not meant to replace Amber. Amber was incredibly special and she’ll always remain in our hearts, and Devon’s, forever.

A part of me feels guilty that we’re doing this so soon after Amber’s passing, but deep down I know this is the right thing to do. Obviously bonding will require a great deal of effort. But I’m willing to do it because I know it will improve the lives of Devon and his new companion. And I imagine that this is what Amber would want, even though she’s probably nervous that her son is going on his first date;).

Wish us luck:D

Aww, Matt, good luck :hug1

I think this new friend will be great for both you and Devon. Best of luck in finding a friend for Devon!Devon, you behave little boy! :).
Good luck! I hope Devon finds somebun to love!

And if you could, ask more about Nutmeghan's history. What sanctuary was she going to, etc. She might be one of the buns that Haley helped rescue a while back. That would be awesome!

I'm sure it's hard to get another bun after Amber, I remember how hard it was to even look at the rabbits at the local shelter after Sprite died and I wasn't even considering adopting because I had Oberon to bond Fey with. If I hadn't had him I would have been searching for another bunny friend for Fey but it would have been hard. Anyway, you're doing the right thing. And you'll be giving a wonderful home to another rescue bunny. Think of it as a tribute to Amber.

Don't worry too much about finding a friend for Devon so soon after losing Amber. Their souls will always be bonded... I think it is a good idea to help the living live a bit better with a new friend.

I found Luna for my Patrick within a few days after losing Benjamin because Patrick was grieving so heavily for his loss. Benjamin belonged to Maggie, who passed a few years prior. I felt it was Patrick's turn to have a love of his own and Luna filled those shoes perfectly. I felt a bit guilty getting her so soon, within a week, but I also felt that Patrick was living, breathing, and in need of companionship. I allowed him to recover, while I continued to grieve for Benji's loss and I was okay with that.

Devon will be happy again once the bonding is completed. He will always belong to Amber, but he can share a bit of himself with Nutmeghan. (She will undoubtedly stun him with her beauty and grace.) Will you be able to share yourself with her also? It took some time for me to bond with Luna, but now I look forward to seeing her cuddling with herhusbun because they are so perfectly matched. We are still learning each other, butour relationship is coming along now that I amalmost done grieving.

Best of luck!!Nutmeghan is a cutie and deserves a nice husbun after all she has been through.


Oh Matt, I know how difficult this must be for you but I know youre doing the right thing. You are such an awesome bunny dad and can give another bunny an amazing life.

And I have to tell you, I met her!! Shes one of the ones we all helped to save from a breeder who was going to sell her for meat. We raised money to get them to Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary here in MI where they stayed for a month, then moved them all out to PA! And I just reread her story and I remember now her ordeal with the prolapsed uterus. Wewere all so worriedthat she might not make it.That would just be so neat if she ended up with you!

But I know whomever Devon chooses will be so lucky. Please keep us posted!

I'll be thinking of you and Devon. I hope you both find somebun you can love. I bet Amber would be honored to know another bunny has a chance at a wonderful life like she did with you.
Nutmeghan is adorable! I hope it all works! and I think Devon needs a friend too! He's used to having someone too!

Keep us posted!
We brought Nutmeghen home about an hour and a half ago. We're considering a name change to Nadia, but we're not entirely sure yet. She's wonderful! She seemed instantly comfortable with us.

At the rescue everything went like a dream. At first there was indifference, but they stayed close to each other and nobody seemed scared or worried. Eventually there was some cuddling and Devon groomed her ear a bit. Carol (the director of the rescue) said that this was one of those rare "love at first sight" matches. Apparently Nutmeghen has rejected several potential companions in the past. Once we were in the car, they laid down together almost the entire hour long ride home.

Once we got home, we put them in a pen downstairs where they continued to investigate each other. There was a minor scuffle that we think occurred after Devon tried to mount her. No one was injured or seems any worse for the wear, there was just some hair flying. So we put them back in the cage (with a divider separating the upstairs from the downstairs:D). My hope is that they continue to smell each other while investigating each other through the grate. A minor setback, but I'm honestly not that concerned. Carol warned us that Devon might act a bit territorial.

I snapped a few pictures, and I'll upload them later.
Aww Matt, Im so happy for you guys! Carol just emailed me and told me she thought it was a great match and was so happy about the adoption. I made sure to tell her in my email what an awesome bunny dad you were and what an awesome setup you have.

Id love to see some pictures when you get a chance. Shes truly a special girl and is so lucky to have a chance at such happiness with you and Devon.

And I love the name Nadia!
I don't know who I am happier for - Devon, Nutmeghen or you. It certainly seems to be going well so far, and how wonderful that Haley knows her too.

I guess the fact that Nutmeghen didn't approve of previous 'suitors' meant she was waiting for Mr right to come along, and perhaps Amber had a quiet word with her boy to behave.

I really hope that this works out, and that Devon can have bunny comapny again :)

Yay, I'm so glad Nutmeghen and Devon get along! She sounds like such a special girl. I hope she will help Devon heal from his loss faster. Did you take any pictures yet of Nutmeghen? She is a very pretty girl. I'm glad you adopted her, she deserves to have such a loving family.

I'm so glad you found a friend for Devon, and I'm so sorry about your loss of Amber :hug:

It sounds like the first meeting was indeed love at first sight :) I look forward very much to the pics! :D
I promise I'll upload the pics in the morning. I'm exhausted and can't find the stinkin' USB cable:?. By the way, Nutmeghan's new name is now officially "Zoey". We tried out Nadia but it didn't seem to "fit". My sister found "Zoey" on a name website - it means "life" and it seems to suit her.

I do have a question about the bonding process, even though its still quite early. The little tussle earlier today was repeated tonight. This time, however, they fought through a divider in the cage and had a quick nip and scratch session (fortunately no injuries). We've got it set up now so that there is absolutely no way that they can come into direct contact with one another. In both cases it would appear as if Devon was the instigator (I assume he's being territorial). Afterward, Devon seemed a bit nervous although he has since calmed down. Zoey however was completely unbothered. She calmed down almost instantly. In fact she's lying down in her cage as if she's lived here all her life.

There have been no injuries and there hasn't been too much agression. I've never bonded rabbits before, so does anyone have any reccomedations on how to proceed?
Try swapping their cages (or cage halves) every day or so so they get used to eachother's smell.
I'm not sure what kind of cage you have, but if you could rearrange everything or clean it out really well so it doesn't really smell like Devon, that might help too.
I love the name Zoe!

Im sorry to hear about the fight. Where are they being housed right now? Is it the same room Devon's always been in? If so, I would try bonding sessions somewhere more neutral. Then what I would do is house them together in a neutral room for a few days. Meanwhile I would clean out Devon's room complelety (vacuum, clean the cage out and give it a good scrub down). Then after a few days try moving them back into that room. Its understandable Devon would be a little territorial, after all this is *his* house that he shared with Amber for so long.

I hope everything works out. :)

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