A free Ranging Bun!

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Thats the problem with this board! Everyone believes the bunnies over the bunny parents!

I just got home from working out my schedule for my new job (yay me)and let Gir out. And the first thing he does... is sprayme. The stinker! And boy you guys areright... they sure can shoot! He got me, Guinevere and theTV. Good thing Shawn wasnt home!

Tomorrow its the vet fer Gir! Then we will see when he can get snipsnipped!

Good GRAVY ... I'm glad that Sherman didn't live with us during any type of "spraying" phase.

Are you all saying that they actually AIM and SPRAY you with a wide arcof urine? ... :shock: ... MERCY, I don't know if Icould have dealt with that. I can't even figure out howthat's accomplished!

Gir needs a "snip, snip" right quick! :?
Yes Bunnymommy... And it is quite anarc. The way Gir does it is his tail goes way high and hekicks his hindend into the air, reminiscent of a skunk. Andit is VERY acrid in smell.

Guinevere has streaks of yellow in her fur and she smells rather bad :shock:

She has pulled out some of his fur when he started getting too rough, but it doesnt stop him for long!

And Luvabun... any bunny nappers need to take Gir with Guinevere... so back off unless you want a Stinker!
Oh, MERCY, Bunsforlife!!! :shock::shock::shock:

* I think, dear friends, that we'll just temporarily delete Gir fromthe bunnynap list fornow *
Oh Lord.I didnt realize what spraying was. Precious has been doing that latelyand It's awful smelling!!! Isnt he too young to spray? He'sonlyabout four or five months old. I dont know whatbreed he is but he doesnt have the NDbody so I thought hemight mature slower. Oh Lord. Now I gotta do something. he sprayed my11 year old last night. She was sitting on one end of the couch,andPrecious was at the other end...boy did he get her good.EWWW

BunnyMommy wrote:
Oh, MERCY, Bunsforlife!!! :shock::shock::shock:

* I think, dear friends, that we'll just temporarily delete Gir fromthe bunnynap list fornow *
LOL! Bunsforlife, you're the first to be able to successful deter the top bunny napper!

I know how that spraying is. It stinks twice as bad as normal urineit seems. I mean, Mocha's cage stinks so bad after he starts gettingterritorial! After washing it with bleach daily for a few days, hegives up though.
BunnyMommy wrote:
Oh, MERCY, Bunsforlife!!! :shock::shock::shock:

* I think, dear friends, that we'll just temporarily delete Gir fromthe bunnynap list

LOL! LOL! LOL! Oh my gosh! I can just see her crossing Gir off the list right now!

Can't you all just see BunnyMommy's noseall wrinkled up at the thought of accidentally bunnynapping a stinkybun!!!

Maybe the spraying is a form of emotionalexpression...after all, why wouldn't getting hit by a stream of urineimply love?? ;):dude: Ew that is pretty gross...note to self, get afemale bunny....

Quick question, where are you all getting the fabulous smilies?
I am surprised I am able to convince Bunnymommynot to bunnynap... since no one believes me that Gir is such astinker! PeeeeeW! He sprayed ALL over again lastnight, the whole room smells like urine...

But Guinevere had another happy night hopping around, hopping up anddown off the bed to remind us that she was still there.Kisses galore at 2am arent the nicest present hehe. She is alot more energetic since she started being a free ranger.Although she does love her cage. She might be getting nightsoutside the cage even after Gir settles down hehe.

The only thing I am concerned about is the fact her cocoa puffs aresuch varying sizes. from normal to itty bitty. Herbehavior is still the same, she still eats, drinks, pees and poops, butsometimes her poos are really small. So I am going to keep aneye on her and get some pineapple and punkin today.

NightPoet00 wrote:
Maybe the spraying is a form of emotional expression...afterall, why wouldn't getting hit by a stream of urine imply love??;):dude: Ew that is pretty gross...note to self, get a female bunny....

Quick question, where are you all getting the fabulous smilies?
Smileycentral.com Itwill actually load an icon to your tool bar up on top of your window,just so you will know. Then you can use it in other programs as well,such as emails, and other forums, etc. I love it, but some people havehad some glitches with it. If you have spyware, your spyware will pickit up as "spyware" so you will have to tell it you are okay with it.


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