A day after anesthesia, quite gassy, is this normal?

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Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
My bun Dust went to the vet yesterday to get spayed, but when they put her under and shaved her, they found out she had already been spayed. The vet did not open her up, only took x-rays to double check. The gal I got her from when she was 8 months said she wasn't so that's why I did it.
She has had some gas before, but this time seems different. Her belly isn't hard, its still nice and squishy, but it's making a lot of noise.
She's still drinking, but only munching on her bedding which is aspen shavings and a few grains of timothy hay.
Unfortunately, she's not fond of canned pumpkin and the pharmacies around are closed until morning, so no Simethicone.
I've been cuddling with her with a blanket and give her gentle belly rubs. She won't go near the heated rice pouch I have.
She was pooping and urinating ok yesterday but not so much today.
She's still active though, but keeps pressing her belly against the floor and grinding her teeth every now and then. Is there anything else I should be doing, or is this normal after anesthesia?
Keep encouraging her to eat, try not to let her eat the shavings however.
Cilantro would be fantastic if she will eat that. Keep her drinking as well, offer the water in a bowl if her water intake lessens you can try adding some apple juice to it to make it more appealing.
Soak any veggies down before offering to add extra water.
Dont force feed unless she stops eating / drinking all together.

Gas meds tomorrow. Let us know how shes doing in the AM.
I think the water with apple juice did it. She drank quite a bit of it, lied on a warm fleece robe I put out for her, drank some more and started binking. She ate some hay and started playing with her stuffed bun like she does.
I'm still going to monitor her and pick up some meds tomorrow.
My vet gave me a list of veggies a while ago for her to try and the only ones on the list that she ate were kale and parsley, cilantro was not one of her favorites. I always make sure her veggies are dripping with water.
Her belly is still making the noises, but they're much quieter.
I'll still report back in the am.
I guess I was lucky. Both my boys had no trouble after their neutering. A little groggy but by the 3rd day (last day of pain meds), they were their ole self. Still mad that I did that to them, but healthwise, fine. Both of them, first thing back in their crate, started to eat and drink. Glad to hear she is resting with her stuffed animal. Hoping she's back to her ole self in no time. K
No idea. I know that she didn't have her for long and didn't know much about them. I tried the pumpkin again but to no avail, she just goes to the back of her cage. The Simethicone was a little tricky because she's a wily one. She stopped drinking her water with apple juice, but I'm still coaxing her. Her belly stopped grumbling but she's still pushing herself against the floor. Hopefully the meds work soon. Thank you for your help.
I hope Dust is feeling better :pray:

When my buns go off their feed, I have the best luck offering them parsley.
As a home remedy it's great for calming down an upset stomach, too.
Giving her the meds was better this time around. I showed her the syringe and she started lapping it up, unlike before. She looks like she's starting to feel better and she's eating more.
She loves parsley but she just wasn't into it today.
Thank you for your help and support.
It is always really good to keep infant gas drops ( simethicone) around the house as a staple. It always seems as if gas problems around my house occur late in the evening and it is nice to be able to use them right at the time that they are needed.:)
Simethicone is really effective and since it is not absorbed into your bunny's systemit is really safe to use even if you are not absolutely sure that gas is the problem.
SillyFire wrote:
I'm calling the vet first thing in the morning, something is definitely off. She's just not herself. After 3 doses of Simethicone she's not much different.
Hoping Dust is better soon. Please keep us posted on what you find out. Hoping your vet and you can find out how to make Dust her ole self again.

They said that after being under anesthesia the system can be thrown off a bit. I just have to monitor her closely and keep enticing her to eat. She's still pooping, so that's a plus. They said to feed her any rabbit stuff I have just to keep her gut moving and to keep up with the meds. She does seem a tad better today; she's more active. But if nothing has changed by tomorrow I'm bringing her in.
I've had buns that have taken a few days to get back to normal after being under anesthesia.

I hope Dust gets to feeling better soon.


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