A Bunny and his Box

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That is such an adorable picture, m.e. (and Nepo too)

It's funny how animals have a spot they like. Valuran has his Smurfblanket that he adores. The other day I caught him sleeping on it, sostretched out that he was doing a faceplant on the floor. I would havetaken a picture, but I startled him and he moved of course. Here's anolder one.
Stephanie wrote:
That is such an adorable picture, m.e. (and Nepo too)

It's funny how animals have a spot they like. Valuran has his Smurfblanket that he adores. The other day I caught him sleeping on it, sostretched out that he was doing a faceplant on the floor. I would havetaken a picture, but I startled him and he moved of course. Here's anolder one.

Well... ..Smurfs are blue, too!!:dude:

Val probably relates very well to them ;):D. I bet he's thinkin'.... "Their tails look right.. .. but those little bunnies surehave short ears!!??!!"

:~) Jim
Chernish loves to sit in his carrier. It does nothave a soft bedding and his paws slip in it, but he loves it, he spendsthe whole day in it sleeping.

Hidding box:

Digging box:
AnnaS wrote:
Chernish loves to sit in his carrier. It does not have asoft bedding and his paws slip in it, but he loves it, he spends thewhole day in it sleeping.

Hi Anna!

We leave our carrier on the floor and open. When the buns have runtimethey love to hang out in it. We put a blankie and hay in it so theycould be comfy.

All 6 of our buns use the carrier to play in, and it makes it easierwhen we have to use it to transport them because they are alreadyaccustomed to the carrier.

Chernish looks so much like our Benji !!!

:~) Jim
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Awhttp://www...Nepo, what anAngel you have there....mind if i "borrow" him?


**Sneaks into bunny shed.....(James Bond theme song playing inbackground, duh duh duh duh...) Looks around for people...snatchesNepo, and.....RUNS!!!**
I think you might get lost on your way here lol. I live hidden in the woods :D:p
well i tried to get a good pic of mr licks in hissometimes bed..but the camera was not cooperating, and by the time igot the pic, he was *not* a happy camper lol..


*nepo* wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Awhttp://www...Nepo, what anAngel you have there....mind if i "borrow" him?


**Sneaks into bunny shed.....(James Bond theme song playing inbackground, duh duh duh duh...) Looks around for people...snatchesNepo, and.....RUNS!!!**
I think you might get lost on your wayhere lol. I live hidden in the woods :D:p
I'll get my amazing rabbit-dog Briar to *sniff* his way out! lol, allsi have to do is put a treat on the main trial, the little piggy (nowhe's the amazing rabbit-dog-pig) will come right to it!!! LMBO!

That digging box is a great idea! I also thinkthat for those of us who use woodypet, we could get some carefresh orsomething like that to throw in that box!

Bo discovered how to hop into his rubbermaid hay container tonight!:XHe also had to poo in it to make sure everyone knows it'shis hay box! :X

They look like yo-yos when they hop "into" something LOL!

I had to get him out of that box 4 times :X

Then I put the lid on it. :p
Judy loves chilling in a nook in her cage withher favorite beach towel. The nook is enclosed on 3 sides and has their2nd story above it, so it's very boxish. Here she is just after a nap.


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